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Everything posted by lightsout

  1. Yeah, that farming area is ridiculous. Hope they fix it though. Takes away some of the excitement in getting great drops. I really hope they figure out this centipede error code. I spent 10 minutes earlier just trying to play ANYTHING. It seems to come and go in spurts. Once you weather the storm, you're good for about an hour, then you get booted, but only that one time for another hour. Maybe it's just the traffic on the servers that they haven't gotten around to addressing just yet, since they're still ironing out details and putting in the raid?
  2. I'm so glad I traded BF4 for this. The multiplayer is SO much more fun. And somehow, I hated Halo. Just didn't enjoy it at all. But I love this.
  3. I am. Also, I think I found my connection issue. Firewall port forwarding was suggested by bungie. Just finished it. Hopefully that fixes it so I can actually enjoy the game.
  4. Anybody having connection issues? I've had no issues with any game but Destiny with staying connected. It literally won't let me play. It boots me back to the home page, I load it back up, get back to orbit, select my mission, select "resume", then between hitting it and actually loading in, it boots me again. Error code "centipede" more than anything. Thinking maybe later in the evening, there's just more traffic than they're set to handle right now. Hopefully they patch it soon.
  5. Boys....just imagine if he DOES pan out and is a hell of a pass catcher with bodies on him. Think about our redzone personnel. Brandon Williams, Kelvin Benjamin, Greg Olsen, Tolbert, Stew. Tell me we're not scoring. I dare you.
  6. For a first run at it, not bad. The technical poo you can iron out as you go. All podcasts that I've listened to had similar things happen that you seemed to have in their first few podcasts. Come preseason, I think you'll have it down fine. Suggestions: - Be sure to have a theme each show and announce it on here well ahead of time. Have open-line time to riff on whatever, but have a few news bits or something to sort of guide the bulk of the show. That way, callers have something to work on rather than depending on them to call with good poo. - I felt like Sammi Jo's audio was louder than yours. Either that, or you're just more soft-spoken. Either way, up your mic just a hair. - Edit out the dead-air for breaks, such as just before Voth. - More cowbell.
  7. Not sure if it's a separate thing, but some of us do use Zune. Any chance it ends up on there?
  8. "There's NO excuse to hit a woman. There's NO excuse!" ....it sounds like a challenge.
  9. Jakob recently followed me. Not hard to tell who I am, I don't think.
  10. 2013 NFC South Champs

  11. Great as usual. But it must be said. We won. Where are pics of the TopCats?
  12. I am seriously conflicted on how to go about my training these days. After having waaaaaaay too much time out of the gym, I got back in last week. I still have plenty of strength, but lost most of my size and damn near all of my definition. Working out with a guy who really does eat clean and train hard (with a few supplements, but nothing crazy. Basically just preworkout and protein shakes). He follows the typical "daily lifts", whereas I grew up in the compound lift mindset from my football days. So where my body is used to doing bench, squat, deadlift, powerclean, incline, etc on MWF and hitting my isolated lifts and such on TR, it feels weird to have a chest day, a back day, a leg day, etc. I was definitely sore, and I definitely got a good pump, but I don't feel like I'm getting as strong as a workout as I would doing it like I'm used to. Maybe I just have to adjust my sets and reps (most things I do heavy weight, 3X5 or 3X8). Any tips on how to setup my sets and reps for this so I really exhaust myself without doing 6 sets of military presses tomorrow?
  13. That was just a bad snap. Not even on Cam there. Damn Kalil.
  14. Stewart trying to give the fanbase a collective heart attack.
  15. I don't mind us making them burn their timeouts. Our defense has done enough for me to be confident in them to make one more stop.
  16. BOOM BABY! There you go D! Kaep can't handle the heat!
  17. Damn. Had Mitchell not backed out of there, that slant would've been covered. Also, LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUKE!!!!!!!!!!!! (and I hear our Panthers brethren in the crowd saying it!)
  18. Defense...if you're gonna be big....be big now.
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