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Everything posted by lightsout

  1. Nashville taking runs at backs all night. Literally just trying to get our guys to tilt.
  2. We've finally spaced out and are moving the puck and getting chances. Not pressing. It's a miracle.
  3. No call on two obvious trips. No call on a rough along the bench away from the play before the whistle blew? If you're calling an elbow away from the play, you better call a punch. fug. These. Refs.
  4. I'm just gonna make a list of people not allowed to say they believe in this team at all the rest of the playoffs without first apologizing for quitting
  5. I remember the belief in this team in so many series that went to 7 and the thrill of it. We're not Montreal. There's hope.
  6. But called us for a play, behind the play, that was minor compared to the missed high stick on Aho
  7. Do I need to resurrect The Canes Blog to reinvigorate some of you?
  8. Also, can we all agree that Pierre is a fuging idiot? I miss Tripp, which is unexpected
  9. Rod needs to calm these guys down and get the smoothness back to their game. Pressing isn't our game. Speed and movement is.
  10. We're in a tied series, down a goal in the second period. literally not catching breaks. This poo ain't over.
  11. League hates us. Young upstarts, the Storm Surge, bunch of jerks. Canes winning doesn't help the league grow in popularity. They want a larger franchise winning it. Canes winning puts that in jeopardy because we historically fair well when we get in the playoffs. That's my conspiracy theory thought. Realistically, the refs are screwing Rod for speaking up about the officiating being biased the other night.
  12. Foegele is barely in the paint (happens with all players in all games), gets forced more into it by the first d-man (Warren shouldn't be that deep but still), and then Josi literally skates into his own goalie. Give the goal.
  13. That was literally his own guy interfering. Lol. fug these refs.
  14. Fast! Seriously, don't get down on a hockey game before the final 10 minutes of regulation time. And even then, if you're within a goal, it's a game to the end.
  15. Wouldn't say dominated. Nashville got some breaks. We haven't. Little sloppy in transition but our PP is solid.
  16. Marty is gonna get out of the box and destroy Benning and I'm here for it
  17. 4 yards a rush, 6 TDs, and only started in 12 games. Giving up CMC is playing the long game. The fact is, CMC is a nice luxury. He's not a necessity. And that luxury is pricey. CMC isn't going to get better, so yearly his value is going to drop. Move on now, get high return. Move on later, little to no return
  18. Foegele will be on the third on Svech's spot eventually. Rod is gonna try new lines every game for the next month probably until he finds something that feels perfect. I've come to just accept any line combo because Brindy is seldom wrong. This should be a bounce back game. Hopefully we can put together 3 solid periods.
  19. There's only ONE correct way. Boil two tea bags in a medium sized pot (take it to a boil and take it off). I think my pitcher is a gallon....not sure. Anyway, 2.5 cups of sugar, pour pot into pitcher, stir, add water until full. I've done it this way forever. It's as close to Bojangles as one can get without Bojangles itself. Bare in mind, I only have a cup or two per day. The rest of the time is water or gatorade. Would not recommend this much if you drink sweet tea and nothing else because you will die.
  20. Hunter Henry will literally allow Greg Olsen to retire and us not lose a step. Yes please. If not him, then I'm good with any DL pick. And if not delivery, then DiGiorno.
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