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Everything posted by Khyber53

  1. Let's see how it works out. I hope it does clear things up, but those dark clouds on the horizon look so familiar and as I've gotten older, I've learned that when you see the same start of something, you should expect the same results. I've always said Morgan was a meat head, back to the days when he thought it was fun to try and give rookie RBs concussions in training camp. And it may have been karma catching up with him when concussions were what derailed his career. I could be wrong. I find myself hoping that I am wrong a lot here of lates.
  2. To quote David Byrne and the Talking Heads... "Same as it ever was, same as it ever was."
  3. At some point, we will. Sadly we had the best in the league and traded him away for three magic beans.
  4. I've really gone over this again and again in my mind. We need one, we don't, we do, we don't. And finally I'v come to the point where I'm convinced we shouldn't. Chuba did fairly well with us last season, not great, but serviceable and he's shown increasingly better results each season. Right now I'd be okay if we went into the season with him as a starter and here's why. There are a ton of big name Free Agent RBs out there at the moment. A couple will strike it big with new teams on the field, almost all will get some kind of $8 - $11 million a year deal. We don't need another one of them on the team right now, we can't afford it. We already have a big contract running back on the team and well, let's be honest, we got taken to the cleaners on it. He flat out sucked. Hate to criticize anyone that heavily but he underperformed like no one else. We were assured he was the guy and honestly, I don't think we've changed our scouting department personnel enough to make sure that we won't make that mistake again. And we're going to be paying for Miles Sanders for a while. Let's not saddle ourselves with a second big RB contract with probably diminishing skills. Snag one in the late rounds and give them a shot. Won't hurt and might discover something. And if Chuba just performs as before, well, he'll do for what we can reasonably accomplish next season. And this kind of goes for most free agent acquisitions. Until we get our baseline play fixed, starting with the O-line and d-line, then we aren't in any position to go out searching for name free agents. Just hunt for diamonds in the rough, pay them fair with short contracts and set our sights on the draft and getting the foundation right. And honestly, any free agent just hoping to land here is doing it because no where attractive actually wants them. And we are not an Odell or a King Henry away from having a winning team.
  5. Bersin could convert one incredibly vital third and eight per game. Ian Thomas has mainly made sure that the Gatorade was well chilled and that the bench didn't just fly up in the air.
  6. Okay, I've preached it for years. If you want to build an offensive line, start with a smart, strong Center. And now that we've released Bozeman, that sets us in good shape at pick 33 to grab just that guy. There are two top flight centers in this year's draft and we'd have a hit with either one of them, starter material right off the bat. First choice would be Graham Barton out of Duke. Perfect guy for the job, can actually play any spot on the line. Had hoped we would grab him and let him learn alongside Bozeman. He can still do the job. Having a center and a QB work their early years together can really pay off down the road. Second choice would be Jackson Powers-Johnson out of Oregon. Just a mauler out there who is smart enough to do the job. One of those two guys will probably go in the first round, whoever is left is going to be a steal and a 12-year fixture of our line. And as for Bozeman, seemed like a great guy and I think what happened around him hurt his performance, whether it be the injuries at guard or the rookie QB or just a complete lack of coaching and game planning, the guy deserved better. Hope he catches on with a team quickly and keeps the career going.
  7. I think there's a lot to this and honestly, I think that maybe he exposed that Belichick either wasn't the QB whisperer he was supposed to be or that he just lost it along the way. Under better QBing, both Jones and Zappe could possibly be starters, low end ones but starters just the same.
  8. Actually, he's a really good analyst. And I think that a lot of what gives his words weight is the terrible journey he had as an NFL QB and the wreckage after it. You either come through something like that either wiser or dead. The guy earned his right to say what could be wrong in the NFL for a player.
  9. Well, that bit of suspense has been settled. JJ may be 75 before he retires from the NFL.
  10. He's not bad, but really, I can understand him not being tendered. If he can get good money elsewhere, then the team is smart to let him go. It's more cost effective to roll the dice at this point. I did think he could add something in our passing game, but man, there are a lot of dead-weight guys in front of him with actual contracts. There's going to have to be an axe taken to that group before he's got a shot at getting in there. But... if he's still out there getting offers at vet minimum or a bit more, then expect the Panthers to make a move to retain him, matching those offers but not much more than that.
  11. A center is always at a disadvantage in 1 v. 1, it comes with the duties of the job. Good ones learn to compensate and the great ones learn how to do that and then leverage their guy into someone else.
  12. If you want to build an O-line, you have to start with the smartest and most skilled Center you can find. You have to get a guy who can call protections, who can direct the other four guys, who can learn the playbook and recite it to the other players. We made it to the Super Bowl with Ryan Kalil and four guys who couldn't start for most other teams. You need THAT kind of guy. I thought Bozeman was it, but last year was terrible. In his defense, he lost both of his starting guards before the season was really under way, his LT hit the sophomore slump, and his rookie QB who thought he could explain the blocking schemes really couldn't. Plus the overall coaching and position coaching was terrible. Oh yeah, and there was no help from the back up tight ends and the highly touted FA RB who weighed about 125 lbs with a handful of rocks in his pockets. Maybe Bozeman wasn't that bad and is still our guy. Who knows? It's way, way, way early before the draft to be etching picks in stone.
  13. Oh that would be lovely to get, wouldn't it?
  14. I disagree. I think Jamie puts a lot more into the show than there was before. Losing Nate, now that was the tough one. Talk about a guy that just blossomed AFTER a good on-field career. That guy was born to be on TV.
  15. Kay Adams kinda made a huge mistake stepping away from Good Morning Football. Kinda nice to see she found something besides Draft King commercials.
  16. We've been bad for what like five, six years now? And we've gotten demonstrably worse each year. Our brightest spot has been a fairly okay run by an interim coach that we chose not to hire. Folks, this ain't tanking. This is a franchise that is swirling around the drain. Where there was once the Destroyt Lions and the Cincinnati Bungles, we have become the Carolina Punthers. It ain't tanking if you don't have the choice but to suck.
  17. Maybe the answer isn't what can we do to make Burns better, but could Burns be the thing that makes someone else better. Maybe he just isn't the lead edge rusher kind of guy, but works best as Edge2? It may be the thing his agent hopes that no one starts saying out loud.
  18. Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner folks! He didn't marry her for her brains.
  19. Oh, you are probably right. Not going to get an argument there. But there have been crazier things.
  20. It's a bitter pill, but it's the truth.
  21. Or we could see something magical happen like 2003. Or we could see more of the same. Whatever is going to happen, one thing is for sure, times with this much speculation aren't boring.
  22. It's the last gamble that another team will want him at that price tag for the season. I don't think we actually do, but we're willing to give it a try. Honestly, his trade value will remain high up to the early season trade deadline, so we might as well. I still think there's a suitor out there for him, but he didn't do himself much help with the season he just posted.
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