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Everything posted by Pimpdaddy

  1. please...put CMC in at QB or a gamer like Luvu......or a midget....or a retard....
  2. sad when the defender looks like the open receiver......
  3. thx cardinals for getting us one step closer to the number one pick....
  4. jayzus..if for once...we could lead a 7 point drive....like a team on the edge..
  5. actually....mayfield needs to start running...to have any chance at this game....
  6. wee in this game..but cant see mayfield winning it for us..or mcfkadoo...
  7. I know sam sucks...but if I see another batted pass...ima bust a ***** gut!!!!
  8. ...we cant get any reasonable fac similey of an offence.. ..
  9. we can win this game...if mCfukadoo and baker can eek something out....
  10. finally...some zemblance of how sht should be....end of half...
  11. the batted balls drive me up a ***** wallllll! wasted play.
  12. ....the 'process' is clearly not working.... i'm thoroughly disgusted with this bag of sht we're holding... i'm finally detached emotionally and won't engage until there is significant change.... dr tepper can do whatever...
  13. ...stop and think about your life being a billionaire...come home from work...get a steak and put ketchup on it...grab the ol ladies azz only to be rebuffed... then look at how shtyy of a product YOU put on the field...only because you thought you could wing it to success.... hes a money man... and that is his focus.
  14. they would be interested in darnold....like i would be interested in a bowl of sht....
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