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Everything posted by Pimpdaddy

  1. ...i'd be nice to tie contracts to some kinda performance base.... too easy for someone to get paid and then go to slack mode... large contracts awarded to a slacker hamstrings the whole team....
  2. Pooppyshorts was a loose cannon...
  3. Bright spots today....my azzhole saw the sun....
  4. yea...not how you build for the future...its why i'm not sold on bloat throat Fit...
  5. just another wasted year...but the bonehead is making money...
  6. Bonehead has a sht storm brewing...and I don't think he even knows...we're on the verge of being perennial losers....scumbag hasn't gotten a dime off me...
  7. ...he'd also be running anyone with a glimmer of talent into the ground....cause hes a stonehead.... and devoid of any critical and innovative thinking...
  8. ....total idiot...gimee a leg shaver any day....
  9. ...like thats a surprise...it aint...
  10. chubba can suck my cock....hes worthless....you can't change my opinion....
  11. said it before.. the pure bone is thick on that cranium....
  12. ...I remember him....i stuck a pencil up his azz in 6th grade..
  13. with any competency today...we coulda won that game....kaching!....one step closer to the weasel being gone....
  14. ...its a fair discussion with someone who knows their worth...but this bunch of fkin jabrones ....na....they would be hard pressed to find their azzholes...
  15. ...lets hope so...we could of won today with any kind of competence .... in any offensive facet of the game..
  16. don't want to see darnold ever in a Panther uni ever again.....i dont giv a fk....
  17. mayfield is a miget....but Doug Flute never had them batted....Heisman winners never win the bowl...analytics....
  18. ...he was best available...I get it...when ur swingin for a qb...he was next in line...
  19. ...i was on the mayfield bandwagon....He blows...even Cle knew it..why they paid 230m
  20. Baker was not wanted by any desperate team that needed a QB....flag one....i missed it.... MaCafuk was not wanted by anyone either..flag 2....Gee why do we suck...it was a nice try...with what was available.... its only a matter of time before the locker room gets disgruntled .....and gives up on this sht....DJ already has....its a natural evolution to getting rid of fhule.... unless bonehead tepper keeps the course...
  21. you godda listen to the league...no one wanted mayfield..... there was a reason why... .and I was blind as a rat...extending an offer was just made easy...
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