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About panthers81

  • Birthday 01/31/1988


  • Favorite NFL Team
    carolina panthers

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  1. Since my phone can't seem to get it together and reply to topics I'm getting in early for the next two now...if that's legal LOL. Blake against the Kings Saturday Stank against the Ducks Sunday Going with the rooks!
  2. Half the time I can't pick because I'm not on an actual computer to respond. Anyone else have an issue being able to respond to anything on the huddle with an Android on Google Chrome?
  3. I'm gonna go Mikko on this one. I think he gets us going tonight!!
  4. Was a great game! I wasn't even mad...would have loved for a USA win but is what it is! Real maple syrup? That's what you think we want? Sad. Universal Healthcare? Spoken by someone that doesn't have to use it? LOL Enjoy your high taxes, high cost of living and 4 months of enjoyable weather! Can't wait for you to have to go back to pulling for a Canadian NHL team lol. Surely you don't pull for a team based in the USA. With that said...LETS GO CANES!
  5. Excited to see the chemistry between AHO and MIKKO grow! LGC!
  6. Great Dane activated...does he suit up tonight? Or are we going PK.
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