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Everything posted by Cuttinedge

  1. I don't understand the coaching staff saying he's a STs ace. He sucks on that unit also. He can't block he's terrible receiver and Ron keeps him over Swole Dude should never see the field again in a panther uni
  2. Look at me Ed hochulis crew trying to bone the hell out of us
  3. I hate that formation for our offense on short yardage
  4. when their offense has 9 minute drives there ain't but so many possessions to come back with.
  5. Gonna have to out score them cause defense ain't gonna get a stop like this. And especially if Ron leaves Harper on the field
  6. 9 yards straight up the gut and Harper with another missed tackle.
  7. TD has a bad habit of going for the big hit with no wrap up
  8. Time for Roman Harper to watch from the sidelines for a while
  9. Saints O came out and hit us right in the mouth. Thank goodness Star made a play to slow that drive down. Because I think McCown was 6/7 on that drive. So much for him sucking. Nows not a time for Shula to pull a Shula
  10. Well another bench warming QB gonna light us up again?
  11. We didn't pick up anything but ST Aces this offseason and this unit still sucks. Time for a real change
  12. Anybody else tired of the same ol same ol. This coaching staff is comfortable with the same players, and they ain't getting it done. Time for someone else to get a chance.
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