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About BAMFpanther

  • Birthday 01/08/1985

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  1. What the hell is who I am assuming is T.J. Carrie doing at the 5:27ish mark? Nobody else to cover and he’s just letting his man run wide open.
  2. I was hoping for this comment! I was thinking the same thing lol
  3. Heard somebody mention three vs. five step drops having a lot to do with it. I’d imagine that it happens more on short dropbacks as he is closer to the line. Not sure how often mcadoodoo calls 3 step drops vs 4 but it’s definitely something worth looking at.
  4. By that point everyone was so drunk and tired it thinned out pretty quick lol.
  5. I had a band called two step and we had a gig at stool pigeons uptown. At the time I did not follow football at all really. Wasn’t aware of the madness that was going to be at that small bar. Right where we were supposed to set up shoulder to shoulder….wall to wall people. The manager said “y’all can just watch the game in the office and set up when it’s over.” I sat in that tiny office and became a panthers fan and have been one ever since that night. For the first time I didn’t care that my gig was cut short. I was so invested in that game and by the time it was over I almost didn’t remember I was there to work. I’ll never forget that game.
  6. These people probably have to take off their shoes to count to 20. saints or New England could decide not to draft anyone with their pics and some of these clowns would find a way to spin it positive
  7. Using that term “nfl team” pretty loosely. Not sure this team could beat a Texas high school program at the moment
  8. I read the headline as if we put a pro scout on our Oline lol. Can’t be that bad compared to what we already have. Lol
  9. They have one of the best fan reaction GIFS of all time. Gotta thank em for that at least lol
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