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About pepaw

  • Birthday 01/21/1985

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  1. If Luke isn't first ballot after Willis got in on his first try then what remains of Canton's credibility is toast at this point. Edit: Actually scratch that, Patrick apparently didn't get in on his first year of eligibility. My bad.
  2. It really pisses me off that Ward may get in before Smith. The media was always blowing him up way more than what he was worth.
  3. The big moment for me where I realized he was done was where the reporters asked him to comment on that Thanksgiving weekend game between Chiefs and Rams. You can tell he didn't like the direction of the NFL.
  4. That's a good argument but I disagree. KB's body language after the pick was absolutely horrific for a 5 year old, let alone a grown professional athlete who is displaying poor situational awareness. I 100% believe he was doing what he does best, whining, instead of thinking the play was over and expressing his emotions. He had shown poor effort throughout the season and the attitude was getting worse. Probably the biggest standout was the Chiefs game where he just let a smaller DB rip the ball out and he looked rather indifferent to the whole thing. I wanna watch the play again to confirm, but the play is so painful to watch at this point. I do agree with your point about the refs culpability, just not it being 100% on them.
  5. The thing that stings the most is KB giving up on the play that changed Cam's career against the Chargers.
  6. Does anyone have the film of the underthrow to DJ? I want to see if he got hit or it was just a bad throw.
  7. In the Amazon series you can hear him complaining about the pain before the Steelers blowout game and the lack of zip was noticeable early in the year. Which leads me to wonder, were they not assertive or incompetent with him going into the offseason after 2017 when he was throwing darts at the end of the season.
  8. Okay with that Gano post I really wanna know. The three biggest offenses to me were: Why was Davis allowed to run without the brace when his ACL tear took place Why did they allow Beason to play in the home opener of 2011? Why did Cam's shoulder completely deteriorate after it seemed to be recovering after the 2017 season?
  9. ankle sprain thank god. was afraid ACL or concussion.
  10. There is a really annoying fan near the mic that picks up the game. I hope he has a seizure.
  11. I pretty much agree with Cam's grade, things weren't going well early on.
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