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About Kyle82

  • Birthday 11/22/1963

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  1. I hope you are right. I go by this site every day and you wouldn’t believe how nice it is.
  2. Ok....I'm up on a Saturday morning drinking coffee.....where's the little prick Tarheels? I love being entertained from butt hurt fans that try to sound intelligent :)
  3. Glad to see that this isn't just my computers; my laptop and desktop freeze up on this site but it's where I get most of my Panther-related news from. Hopefully it's just traffic-related.
  4. Any chance that this game would get flexed to the 4:25 slot or is it too late for that?
  5. Oh man...so true. There is no other team in the NFL with more bandwagon fans as the Pats. I remember the week before the Super Bowl seeing the 'shiny new' Patriot car magnets and 'brand new' New England car tags on peoples trucks and cars with SC and NC license plates....sickening.
  6. Excellent advice....but I will still have my # 59 jersey on, my Panther flag displayed proudly on my front porch and the fridge stocked with cold ones
  7. Chip Kelly is either going to be the most amazing Head Coach of this century or......damn I hate the offseason On a lighter note we don't have to listen and watch ESPN for the rest of the spring/summer suck the Cowboy and Patriot cockalot
  8. I try to stay off the net on April 1st at least until later in the afternoon because of this.
  9. Well let's just take a look at the Raiders record since 2003: 2003 4-12 2004 5-11 2005 4-12 2006 2-14 2007 4-12 2008 5-11 2009 5-11 2010 8-8 2011 8-8 2012 4-12 2013 4-12 2014 3-13 Looks like Mr. Davis is still around.
  10. 323 Row 7.....pissing off whine and cheeser's since 2003
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