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Porn Shop Clerk

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Everything posted by Porn Shop Clerk

  1. and yet hundreds still die on the infield from carbon dioxide poisoning each year
  2. BoA stadium holds 70k. Nascar tracks host 100k+. If you can, do the math. I think there are more yuppies at a panthers game than anything.
  3. i read a study a few years ago where they split people into groups. group A lifted weights. group B meditated on lifting weights. group C did nothing. at the end of the experiment, group A had the most gains, group B had some gains, group C had no gains i wish i could find it again, it was really interesting
  4. yeah i'd rather be hard and cut than have a bunch of puffy muscles
  5. i'm hitting the supersets in full swing and already starting to firm back up
  6. i hope he drops a 50 lb barbell on his little toe
  7. i didn't do much if poo today, but i've been back at it for over a week.
  8. lol that makes me think of this song:
  9. "She squats too much." -No Man Ever You could hit a cable machine to test your limits with leg press before you start throwing free weights on your shoulders all willy nilly.
  10. i agree with this. if you really totally seriously dedicate yourself you can end up looking like this: but that's with a LOT of hard work. it is a lifestyle in itself. but you'll never look like this without testosterone and other enhancements such as steroids: looks like someone photoshopped floppin's arms on that chick. just do aerobic lifting with your arms and switch your strength training to back, shoulders, core, legs, chest...whatever you think isn't "too big" yet.
  11. if i can do more than 6 reps of something on my heaviest sets, its time to raise the weight
  12. i use negatives a lot in every exercise i do. if i can only pull 3 reps of something, i negative for 10 seconds.
  13. and if you're going to workout like that, why not work until you burn out nobody ever got big doing 3x10
  14. my abs are destroyed right now from doing knee lifts. i went from being able to bench 126 lbs 30 times to only being able to bench it 15. more of an endurance than strength issue i feel. i'm gonna see if i can go 30 days straight working out without taking a rest day.
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