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Porn Shop Clerk

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Everything posted by Porn Shop Clerk

  1. I think mine is just a result of letting my body go to poo over the last 15 years.
  2. yeah my lower back is actually what's hurting me today. not sure if its just protesting, or i injured it sometime yesterday on my off day.
  3. I really like balancing isolation with fully body in my circuit. But in the exercise above, it does seem like it would be better to just separate the two workouts. The lower back workout would probably benefit me greatly, but unfortunately it requires specialized equipment.
  4. Now that I'm getting adjusted to the routine, I'm not having to ease into it as much. But if I were putting 275 lbs over me, I think I would ease into that regardless.
  5. http://www.bodybuild...l/creatine.html yeah my strength gains have been pretty impressive. i've already doubled some of my reps over the past two weeks. mostly chest. but i haven't even hit my first plateau yet...so.
  6. so my preworkout snack is greek yogurt, half a banana, half a glass of milk with a b-complex heavy multivitamin my post workout is syntha-6 blended with the other half of the banana, a glass of milk, and a big spoon of peanut butter with a generalized multivitamin i have become a farting machine also my creatine gets here tomorrow
  7. I have to make sure the puppies don't go sniffing around the stacks, but other than that I'm able to workout when I have the house to myself. Another reason I like the cable systems, other than a catastrophic failure or malfunction, they're a lot safer to use alone than free weights.
  8. i'm in the middle of my workout right now. i love having a home gym, but i am going to have to get a better one.
  9. I've got 3 weeks of full body workouts under my belt now, and only one week of reverse pyramids. from doing the reverse pyramids i can already feel my pecs pushing into my biceps.
  10. yeah i'm pushing my shoulders hard and i'm no spring chicken myself
  11. my heavy set is nowhere near that, so i'm not as concerned about injury with a light warmup. you definitely want to get the blood in your muscles more than i need to
  12. It really throws your system for a loop. Maybe you should do a more extensive warmup routine? Right now my heavy is so low that I'm not overly concerned with injury. But it is nice to get under that heavy weight while I'm still fresh. here's an example: Flat Bench: Warm up to working set (for example): 10 x bar \ 10 x 50 \ 8 x 100 \ 8 x 125 Working set: 8 x 145 (rest 3 minutes) \ 10 x 130 (rest 2 minutes) \ 12 x 120 of course on your heavy you really wanna do 4x275 then 6x260 then 8x250 or something like that
  13. I do 3 light aerobic warmup sets, then I dump the weight on there and do 3 descending sets. http://fitnessblacka...eight-training/ its really pumping me up fast and i don't feel that sore the next day. you will bloat like a motherfuger tho
  14. the only person that knows for sure is your husband j./k or am i?
  15. i'd run a marathon if they'd let me wear rollerblades
  16. uh, yeah you use very light traditional pyramids for the warmup
  17. make sure you do 2-3 warmup set or circuits before you try loading 90% of your max my eventual goal is to just do one full body circuit on my machine with 20 reps 3 days a week. i only have 110 lbs on it, but that's a 55 lb pectoral fly, 55 lb curls, 110 lb pulldowns, rows, etc. if i can crank out a 20 rep circuit on those weights i'll be pretty well off overall in the endurance, strength, proportions and cut after a couple of warmup circuits first eventually it will just be a very heavy aerobic exercise granted, i'm just starting out, so i will grow faster than someone that has been committed for awhile, so i'd say give it at least two weeks. but you should see results quickly.
  18. reverse pyramid sets are doing phenomenal things for my muscles i feel like i got 2 weeks growth in 2 sessions
  19. can't hurt to try it for a month. on my heavy set now i have way more control and better form, so i can see how it benefits the first time i did a reverse pyramid set, i got that weird "haven't worked out in over a week" cold burn. never had that happen before you know, when its a cold tight cramp that feels good? that's the kind of burn i got from reverse pyramid
  20. down in weight, up in reps. gotta get the muscles warmed up though. traditional pyramid sets are up in weight, down in sets. with reverse pyramids, you're lifting your heaviest weight when your muscles are still fresh and using the following sets as a cooldown to burn off lactic acid i used traditional pyramids like you did the first time i lifted, and put on 20 lbs of muscle in 6 months and increased my max chest press by over 50 lbs. i also do some "lift to failure" sets, and plan to incorporate them probably on my 3rd day only. i just run through full body workouts 3 days a week, monday, weds, friday, and take saturday and sunday off. starting tomorrow i'm going to incorporate skipping rope for 10 minutes on tues, thurs, saturdays, with sunday being my only real day off. probably still run through a very light circuit on sundays on the machine just to keep the blood in my muscles http://www.aworkoutroutine.com/pyramid-sets-vs-reverse-pyramid-training-vs-straight-sets/ http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/randy2.htm http://fitnessblackandwhite.com/reverse-pyramid-training-vs-traditional-pyramid-weight-training/
  21. I'm not even doing this as a new year's resolution. So my routine now, is circuit training, reverse pyramid style. Since I have a home gym, I run through all of my pulldowns, abs, legs, press, flies, curls and rows back to back to back with 20 seconds rest between sets, and 2 minutes between circuits. then i start the circuit again. this helps promote muscle endurance, which is what I really want. Reverse pyramids are supposedly the best way to increase mass and strength. I start out with two warmup circuits at very light weight with 10 reps each to get warmed up, then jump to 80% of my max for 6 reps, then 70% of my max for 8 reps, then 60% of my max for 10 reps. Since I don't really know what my max is, and its my first month and the last thing I want to do is injure myself, I'm doing more like 70/60/50. Next month when I start my creatine cycle, I'll really start pushing myself, doing 90% x 4, then 80% x 6, then 70% x 4. Any of you tried reverse pyramids? If so, did you like the results?
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