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Porn Shop Clerk

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Everything posted by Porn Shop Clerk

  1. is like half that forum just got the internets last week

  2. main forum is way too easy to troll i get in so much truble in thar

  3. Even worse when its a bass string.
  4. I like it, and I'm not nearly as big of a fan of tats as I used to be.
  5. Why is a dude the one pulling the shirt off him?
  6. That thing would be a beast right up until we nuked it.
  7. Because the holocaust didn't happen?
  8. He's never been able to finish a book properly. Good at setups, environments, early structuring, but he can't close the deal for poo. stephen king: early on its like 'huh this mite b gud' then after finishing u liek 'wtf did i read that' stephen king is the drunken pickup from the bar that you try to sneak out on or call a cab for in the morning but she's liek 'hey wat u wanna do 2day?'
  9. Robert Jordan was one of the greatest authors I've ever read, often to the detriment of the pacing and story. I don't need to know what every servant in the White Tower is wearing, or what's on the tray they're fuging taking to whatever Aes Sedai. Or the color of the bowls on the tray even. It was novel in the first 3 books. Wore thin after that, and beyond the 6th book that's basically all that's left. Flowery descriptions. He's damn good at them. Not necessarily saying its a good thing, but the authorship is near perfect. Story though...fug it after book 6.
  10. Heh, I've been burning the Riverlands with it.
  11. The first book actually doesn't hold up to the 2nd and 3rd...especially the 3rd. I'd put the first on par with the fourth.
  12. The Walking Dead comic series is very good after the first 20 or so issues. It comes as close to what Martin does in a zombie comic form as anything could I think of.
  13. the problem with finding something like asoiaf is that everything else is predictable and shallow in comparison i quit reading fiction entirely after asoiaf
  14. Never read any of them so I really don't know, but that was gleamed from a forum that had a thread asking if anything was as good as aSoIaF, and sadly the resounding answer was no.
  15. The first 300 pages of A Game of Thrones are boring as fug and dry as hell to boot. I almost didn't make it through them. You don't really give a poo about anyone, and nothing really happens. Once poo kicks into gear though, Martin really separates himself from all other authors in any genre.
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