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Porn Shop Clerk

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Everything posted by Porn Shop Clerk

  1. aerys had a thing for joanna, tywin sent joanna back to casterly rock to have tyrion. speculation is that joanna lannister drank moon tea to kill aerys targaryen's rape baby and that's what deformed tyrion, and his deformity is what killed joanna lannister two blue eyed parents pretty much cannot produce a child with one blue eye and one black eye
  2. the more interesting theory is that aerys targaryen + joanna lannister = tyrion lannister
  3. yeah i believe that R+L=J unless martin has decided to change it because everyone figured it out
  4. she'd tell EVERYBODY bro so no, not even a bj
  5. i did say horns, read it again :P

  6. when you've invented tricks 20 years ago that nobody today can do, you know you're an alien hybrid vampire cyborg bad ass
  7. looks like my gi joes when i was 10
  8. our minds are just too simple to realize we're drawing connections where there are none
  9. they cut what they could from the first novel for the tv series, and it suffered for it. hell they even added more material that wasn't in the books.
  10. i don't think there's anything you could cut from the series to abridge it and make it better. maybe if you just wanna read about tyrion and jon snow all day.
  11. i thought there was a lot of filler the first time i read through them i was wrong
  12. there is no filler in asoiaf. that's the entire point and you're just too small minded to grasp it nothing fanboy about it. the series was intended to be the way it is, and everything matters. just because you can't fit the piece together don't mean they don't belong. go back to reading terry goodkind, you'll thank yourself for it.
  13. i just wanna put this out there to everyone if you think asoiaf has filler you're fuging retarded and need to suck a bag of dicks. there is no filler in asoiaf not the above poster specifically, but everyone in general because fug you
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