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Porn Shop Clerk

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Everything posted by Porn Shop Clerk

  1. Check out this cool ass spider I found while cleaning up the back yard. I'm gonna name him Doodle. Doodle the Spider.
  2. you need fats too. but 2 tablespoons of mayo supplies the daily requirement i believe
  3. if you're worried about calories from salad dressing then you need to sweat more
  4. now that's obsessive and not a single gain to be had
  5. that's definitely not going to help much in the gains department
  6. some people have never even seen a door. not walking through doors is their lifestyle. and not having doors is definitely a fuging game changer.
  7. i don't know anything about distance running but it ain't gonna hurt to try right http://www.military.com/military-fitness/running/improve-your-pft-mile-time
  8. i use the dictionary for definitions. dunno where you get yours. lifestyle [ˈlaɪfˌstaɪl] n 1. a set of attitudes, habits, or possessions associated with a particular person or group 2. such attitudes, etc., regarded as fashionable or desirable working out is a habit. going to the gym 3 times a week is a habit and other choices (should i skip gym this week and go to the movies?) revolve around that habit. fitness is a lifestyle. just like being unfit is a lifestyle. sometimes things are beyond our control, like with that bald headed guy that posts in this thread, and if what he says is true then he puts all of us to shame
  9. well i guess that's why this discussion ends. come on back when you figure it out and we'll continue.
  10. your entire lifestyle revolves around your health and level of fitness, regardless of age, income, wealth, race. i don't see why you can't admit that. your level of health and fitness is your lifestyle. stop going to the gym and see what happens to your quality of life. same goes for your lady friend. slack off for just 3 months, either one of you. fitness is a lifestyle. maybe its just a commitment to being active. maybe its a commitment to improve. maybe you want to be the biggest, baddest motherfuger on the planet. maybe you just want more energy. so yeah, continue to point out that my opinion is wrong and that its my opinion. i'm pretty sure i knew that before i even typed any of it out. you're the one that has a hard time coming to terms with it being my opinion. you think i should change it to make you feel better? and i disagree, i don't think the thread has been derailed. this is definitely a deeper and more thorough discussion than set counts or routine changes god forbid someone argue on the internet or have a differing opinion. and yes, my way is the best way. no matter what you do, give it all you got or get out of the way. don't just take up space and impede the progress of others that are pushing hard. don't settle for status quo. don't be afraid to push. why do you find that message so intimidating?
  11. ps. i only know how to do things one way, and that's with everything i've got. mentally, emotionally, physically. that poo bothers the fug out of ordinary motherfugers for some reason.
  12. anything is better than nothing. and yeah, after living a sedentary lifestyle the last 15 years, i can tell you for a fact that just working out 1.5 hours over the course of a week and eating healthy for me personally would have been a major lifestyle change at that point. i would have had to change everything, right down to the way i think. the very core. i can see how you might not understand the radical transformation that takes from within, reversing 15 years of bad habits. so keep telling other people their opinions are wrong, i'm sure you're a blast to hang around, and tearing them down when they're a newbie like i am, trying to get their mind right nothing about my post was wrong. i just didn't wrap it up with a pretty little bow and serve it on a silver platter for you.
  13. IF I quit smoking, I'll be able to crank up the intensity. Lets be pragmatic here. Plus, if i just stopped working out now and went back to my old lifestyle, i'd shoot up 20 lbs in no time i bet.
  14. but but but american idol! idc if people do think i'm obsessed. i'm not doing this for them.
  15. treadmills aren't exercise also her lifestyle could be watching honey boo boo and eating potato chips while ordering get thin quick schemes off television. but its not. she has a fitness lifestyle if she's working out enough to maintain or show progress. otherwise she's just wasting her time. fitness isn't just exercising. its eating right and having the right frame of mind and perception. it requires self awareness that ordinary motherfugers don't have.
  16. fast food, eating out, etc has become much more of a "special occasion" type thing, once a week or every couple weeks. the most unhealthy thing i eat on a regular basis is probably white rice, which is 2 or 3 times a week. if i could quit smoking cigarettes, my potential would be so much higher. cardio becomes even more important to strength training if you're a smoker imo
  17. yeah i'm not that "obsessed". more power to you though.
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