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Porn Shop Clerk

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Everything posted by Porn Shop Clerk

  1. that's the way 20 something console gamers act. also, ff7 was the first final fantasy.
  2. whatever. video games didn't exist before halo and cod4.
  3. nobody here has ever played icewind dale
  4. i'd rather play something like terraria honestly
  5. yeah i tend to steer away from games that are centered around their cut scenes or quick time events
  6. its just not my kind of game. didn't like the thief series, or any stealth game really.
  7. you couldn't even watch porn on a console without the dvd until like a year ago
  8. i played MG on nes. no, i wouldn't play any of them now. if i were going to buy a console based on exclusives, it would be a nintendo, because they actually put out quality games.
  9. no i actually used to be way worse. you're late to that show. the only thing is, everyone knows i'm right and all they can do is squirm
  10. yes, why would someone that's played video games for 30 years come into a thread about video games? that doesn't make sense at all. no i pretty much got tired of forced matchmaking, host advantage, p2p online, broken games, being caged by a singular online service. i never even made it to RROD because consoles were obviously going down the path of online babysitting with xbox live. the only fun i ever had playing a game online on console was PSO and ghost recon on the xbox. why anyone continues to pay to be treated like a 12 year old by microsoft is beyond me. instead i chose mouse and keyboard which is far superior to any controller, (5000 dpi bitch) higher resolutions (1600x1200), free mods, upgradeable hardware, cheaper games, more storage, community fixes for older games, abandonware, unlimited backwards compatibility, dedicated servers, better performance, higher functionality, a more mature gaming community, unlimited customization, improved graphics, and being on the cutting edge of gaming i just got tired of being led like a horse to a trough and being told to thank them for drinking the dirty week old water even your favorite franchises wouldn't exist without the pc. its a shame halo never released as a pc exclusive with online play like it was originally intended by bungie. it would have been so much better. and cod2 is still the best cod. there are still populated servers on the pc. counterstrike is still better though. i have no bitterness. i just don't feel like explaining these things to you again and again and again and again and again and again because i have better things to do. so go strip down halo until its nothing more than a terrible version of counterstrike and win some more trophies!
  11. console games give me limp dick, that's why i walked away and never looked back
  12. because console gamers are willfully ignorant and yes, you've made it clear that you only appreciate posts that agree with you, and anything negative just makes you stick your fingers in your ears and scream NANANANANANANANANANANANANANA
  13. oh yeah, you consolefags definitely have blinders on when it comes to me so eager to prove me wrong, you flout your ignorance like a flag
  14. that poo is hilarious, and they're probably up into the 100s by now
  15. being limited to 16 players is just pathetic too
  16. every time one of these threads show up, you mention my name.
  17. you wanted me in here because its the closest you'll ever come to having me inside you keep bragging about that one game that has shitty dedicated server support
  18. also you lose all rights to trash the halo franchise as broken if you play elder scrolls, which is even more broken
  19. i came in way after my name was mentioned by someone hoping i would show up having fun with your scaled up resolutions
  20. no, that's just you projecting your own insecurities
  21. nobody cares because its beyond their aptitude and comprehension console gamers would freak out if they had to actually deal with a real server list with dedicated servers instead of just being connected to whatever idiot is hosting
  22. there's a very good reason for that. console gamers are the wrestling fans of the gaming world.
  23. no, sad would be bragging about playing a broken game in competitions
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