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Porn Shop Clerk

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Everything posted by Porn Shop Clerk

  1. i have no idea what jaquen is doing at the citadel. there's something there he wants very badly i think, or has been ordered to retrieve it
  2. meera never made bran any weirwood paste. she has disappeared along with jojen by the time it was presented to him. to answer your other question, jojen has known all along how and when he would die, and has become increasingly detached and fatalistic since reaching the cave. and now him and meera are both missing. it is suspected that bran may be eating meera as well. a bit about the children: Leaf: why is she so sad? Ash: could just be a red herring. they could all be red herrings. but i think if they were, they would be a little more obvious. they all pretty much look like this. one has snowy white hair (old nan? she's been carted off by the boltons or something and considered dead. goes along with bolton being immortal and friendly to the children) perhaps that's why they need a man (or woman) to lead their soldiers. bran showing hints of anger and frustration with the way the children have been and are treated, and he obviously sympathized with them before he knew they even existed. or perhaps bran always knew.
  3. also, why would the children of the forest want to help the people that walled them up and forced them to live in the frigid north with the others? if they had a dog in this fight it would be the wildlings. also bloodraven is the last greenseer why not the undead as well? maybe there is no great other. maybe he's just a straw man propped up by the children so they aren't found, pursued and wiped out completely.
  4. also i was going to find some quotes to support my theory that bloodraven is "evil" and is turning bran to the side of winter/ice/the others some people think he is eating jojen in a paste. after doing a little looking around, i'm starting to think that perhaps bloodraven has been pulling strings in the background to cause terrible things to happen such as leading bran to climb the tower and catch jaime and cersei finding the direwolf pups i read a theory that bloodraven is an albino with red eyes, just like ghost. perhaps bloodraven has been using ghost to spy? we know jon has some warg capabilities. jon and bloodraven were both bastards. one of the men stabbing jon snow said something to the effect of "I can't help myself"? or something to that effect. also i think the undead outside of the cave are guarding it, not trying to attack it or get in. unless you're "warded" you're dead. why haven't any of the wildlings ever found this cave, or have any legends of bloodraven the tree guy? of course we know by now that melisandre is retarded, and usually wrong, the only solid piece of evidence that this theory is bullshit, but its pretty damning evidence. i think bran will be able to control the others and issue them commands en masse a few other inclinations are the stories he liked the most of old nan's (who may be some kind of bloodraven plant, who knows) were the ones about the evils, the ice spiders and the others and the long dark winters where they rode the streets and ruled nah he looks like a nice guy. probably goes to church every sunday.
  5. dany and the khalasar may ride into mereen just in time to save tyrion and barristan's asses.
  6. i finally hit the weights after 6 months off. lost a lot of strength : but the upside is i'll grow faster and i'm still in better shape than i was this time last year
  7. i heard rumors its on the foreign part of the internet that isn't amazon or facebook
  8. golly gee, nudity and porn would just ruin the internet thank god we have half-naked barely legal teens to save it!
  9. i think 90 seconds is considered the optimal rest period for most kind of sets. dead lifts and squats and stuff go up to 3 minutes between sets
  10. i have a cr 99 troller on the pc, hero side
  11. WoW has become a glorified facebook. I was shocked at how good DCUO is.
  12. yeah i expect it to snow heavily when it returns. i'm right on the edge of the snow/sleet.
  13. it will probably be completely finished around 3-6 pm tomorrow for our area but its not gonna stop until then
  14. another 8-10 hours of snow here looks like, preceeded by light sleet. good thing this is a light powdery snow or none of us would be on here tomorrow.
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