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Porn Shop Clerk

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Everything posted by Porn Shop Clerk

  1. bsn makes awesome protein shakes. i love syntha-6
  2. if you don't like me then i'm probably doing something right. i'm not really interested in a post workout, some creatine and protein are good enough for me also a multivitamin
  3. yeah inhibiting protein synthesis in aid and recovery will inhibit muscle growth. i just don't like throwing around words like protein synthesis and having people realize i'm fairly intellectual too much pressure man
  4. i thought about ibuprofen for the pain but i read somewhere that it inhibits muscle growth
  5. i guess this all depends on who the pivot man is
  6. lol definitely not. i was trying the iron marathon with 126 lbs when i quit. now i struggle to push out 10 reps at that. i was doing supersets with pec fly though.
  7. i took 15 years off and when i got back on them it wasn't this bad
  8. when i was going strong, i started my day out with juice and a piece of fruit and followed my workout up with a protein shake. then later in the day i ate whatever i wanted, just less than what i was accustomed to. i've always had a pretty good metabolism, still do at my age.
  9. i don't know wtf i did, but i pushed myself too hard tuesday. still too sore to workout today.
  10. i think its going to end with the red comet smashing into the planet and killing everyone
  11. to kill samwell and assume his identity? can they just change faces, or can they change mass that drastically too lol
  12. bloodraven has been talking to him for years. its not hard to believe he could have been convinced that his death was part of a greater good. its not like they couldn't have snuck off. maybe howland has no idea where they went. yeah howland could be jojen. the only person that has seen both of them is meera. the idea of her being jon's sister is a really good one. and i think that bloodraven can force people's actions if he needs to. bloodraven may have even orchestrated jon snow's stabbing
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