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Porn Shop Clerk

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  1. I can't even be a fan cuz I don't want to jinx him.
  2. I opened this thread assuming it was an invite to an open door party. Supremely disappointed.
  3. Oden did not and that's why Wemby reminds me of him. Maybe he'll develop. He probably won't though.
  4. Y'all really mad cuz this dude brought a gun to a gun fight? I thought we loved guns.
  5. Conversely, you can spend an entire 17-2 season not enjoying a single game because you're expecting the wheels to come off at any moment and fug it all because they didn't win the shiny thing at the end.
  6. What's your PH? Floc seems to work better with a slightly higher ph. Or maybe you needed to let it settle another 24 hours? I haven't even taken the cover off of mine yet. Letting the tree frogs have their babies first.
  7. I like Zapit 73% if I can get a good deal on it, or Doheny's. I use google shopping and go with the good deals that pop up as long as I feel the distributor is legit. I'll use In The Swim, too.
  8. That area, roughly. I order it when it goes on sale. Pool stores markup is waaaaaay too high. I've found some off brands for 225, but I may as well go the extra 25 at that point for a brand I trust.
  9. I'm seeing 250$+ for 50 lbs of tablets and similar prices for cal hypo. Last year I got them for half that price.
  10. One thing I've learned is not to fall victim to those 80 degree days in April and open it early.
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