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Posts posted by GamecockSmitty4

  1. 5 hours ago, kungfoodude said:

    Would rather have Deone Walker but he is a guy I wouldn't be opposed to getting later in the draft 

    Walker as a second round pick would be great. But only if we stay as 3-4. 

  2. 10 minutes ago, BIGH2001 said:

    The difference compared to any other team that we play is amazing. Except the packers last year. The favoritism and blatant wrong/missed calls are insane. 

    I’ve seen people complaining all year about officiating in KC games but thought they were just whining. I see what they mean now. 

  3. On 10/12/2024 at 1:57 PM, GamecockSmitty4 said:

    I agree that this is not going to be a season where we’re battling for the top spot in the East. But I think we’ll be much better than .500. Rod certainly has some flaws but I go back to the 2018 season when nobody expected anything and he guided the team to the ECF. He’s still a great coach and we have some talent. 

    It’s early but I am on track to be very wrong about expectations and couldn’t be happier. 

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  4. I agree that this is not going to be a season where we’re battling for the top spot in the East. But I think we’ll be much better than .500. Rod certainly has some flaws but I go back to the 2018 season when nobody expected anything and he guided the team to the ECF. He’s still a great coach and we have some talent. 

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  5. 21 minutes ago, Anybodyhome said:

    Turned off the feed after 5 minutes. If it wasn't for this hockey game, these announcers would be doing a high school chess match- fugging horrible.⁷

    As a high school football announcer, I resent that. Also….i agree. Terribly boring. Even as excited as I am for hockey to be back, they make it hard to watch. 

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