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About bigjohn

  • Birthday 05/20/1970

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  1. When you have a severe lack of talent, exacerbated by injuries and no depth, coupled with a young QB and head coach who are both still finding their way, this is what you get. Growing pains. Let us see how the team reacts next week. Keep building talent, develop your young players, and build a winning culture back.
  2. Icky continuing to be absolutely solid. Another reminder (to myself as much as anyone) to not write off these young guys so soon. Hopefully Legette will follow....
  3. Exactly. And I'm down on XL at the moment, but not giving up on him. The look of this team is SO different than weeks 1 and 2. If XL has that "dawg" in him, he will work his ass off to improve. I have to say with the mentality this team has shown, I think we have some guys that will push each other to improve. I wasn't so sure of that earlier in the season honestly. And I think we have a damn coach in Canales. Also trusting Morgan a bit too. Regardless, I don't feel hopeless anymore.
  4. And I'm down on XL but we were all (well, 99%) down on Bryce too. Hopefully Legette gets on that improvement train. I'm down on him, but not giving up.
  5. Growth with Bryce, belief in Bryce, Canales looking better with play calling/design every week.... get some guys healthy (Brown and Shaq) and keep filling in the pieces (looking at you, receiving corp) and developing some of our young kids... things are looking up. Just KEEP POUNDING.
  6. Can we pitch in a buy XL a juggs machine for Christmas?
  7. Is Legette even playing today? We need to get Theilen a few more sips from the fountain of youth to stretch his career out a couple more years. Guy just knows how to play the game.
  8. Cade Mays was perfect on that TD. Shoutout to this Oline.
  9. Will be interested to see how Bryce reacts next possession.
  10. Who would have thought at the beginning of the season Icky and Bryce would be at the top of the list. Got to love it!
  11. LOL at this thread. Half the complainers say we abandoned the run too much. The other half say we played too conservative. This is just rich, man.
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