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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. Deep dropbacks combined with an "average" arm would definitely give me pause.
  2. You don't need to go outside the football aspect of things to call him one of the worst ever. But if you do, it just adds to the stench.
  3. Don't know. As to "Commanders", not a fan but there were definitely worse suggestions.
  4. Well, here's a potential wrinkle Hadn't seen anything on this rumor till now.
  5. In the wake of the expected team sale, analysts aren't holding anything back. Perhaps not the worst owner ever, but maybe in the top ten or top five.
  6. I would take #33 or next year's first. Getting #12 would be great though.
  7. Not the favorite, just "in the discussion". Person still considers Stroud and Young the favorites.
  8. Yates isn't holding back...
  9. No real argument with any of that. People are definitely lying their asses off this time of year, but that doesn't mean everything they're saying is a lie. (unlike Harcourt Fenton Mudd)
  10. They have the top pick. They've got zero reason to troll anybody. They do have reason to get the Texans thinking about it though.
  11. Person has only said he's "in the conversation" so he'd still realistically be an outside chance. He ultimately thinks it'll still be Stroud or Young even if a trade down happens.
  12. RapSheet confirms... DC fans' long national nightmare might be over.
  13. Save the effort. I agree and that's what I've seen as well. Edit: Beat me to it
  14. I'm sure the teams do. But it's worth remembering that this is a test of only one aspect of the game. And while it's an important one, it's not a be all, end all. Just as an example, what good is being able to process information quickly if you can't throw an accurate pass to your target?
  15. Fitterer has final say. But I think they'd work as hard as possible to avoid an impasse.
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