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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. Wouldda given that to Hubbard too... Still, might have worked with better execution on the receiver's part
  2. Wouldda given that last play to Hubbard rather than passing it. Ultimately didn't matter though.
  3. Let's just say I'm having a better day than she is It's been a while since I could say that.
  4. Again, real world... Free agents see you do something like that and they make a note of it.
  5. "Hubbard playing like a lethal weapon in the backfield..." What planet am I on?
  6. Not gonna lie, I was shaking my head at this thread title. Thought this was an insane thing to do. Game certainly isn't over but...
  7. Talking about the Raider fans, announcers mentioned the big comeback win last week... Occurs to me that after the high from that, many were probably thinking to themselves "And we have the Panthers this week, that's an easy win." Fast forward to now
  8. Chunk yardage... Haven't had occasion to use that phrase in a loooong time
  9. Called in sick to every job around July of 22... I believed retirement would basically just be me doing whatever I felt like. Then I realized I'm married
  10. Lady Cowboy Fan is in another room watching the Dallas game. She heard me yell "WOW!" and ran out to make sure I was okay
  11. Only problem? No. Biggest problem? That'd probably be hard to argue.
  12. Dalton is a decent player, but with him you face the same question that you currently face with Cam Newton. How long can he be good? How many games can they last? He's certainly a good stopgap, but you don't want to have to depend on him for a long time.
  13. You can't do that in the real world. It not only screws over veteran players who are looking for new contract or playing out their last few seasons but likewise short circuits young players who are trying to launch a career. Add in that it guarantees nothing.
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