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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. I wrote 'luck'. I swear I wrote 'luck' Friggin' autocorrect
  2. Truth be told, this is probably not the outcome Goodell wanted. Hardy being back in the public consciousness reminds people of the League's image problems from last season.
  3. I think the whole 'innocent' vs 'not guilty' discussion has been had here before.
  4. You could always try a strip club. (my understanding is that strippers can generally be found there)
  5. Need a ahot with a better view of her elbows.
  6. You confuse 'opposition' with 'you' Bored now. I've already given you more attention than you merit, so...
  7. Oh, I'll happily debate anyone capable of an intelligent discussion. I tend to be dismissive of people who don't really bring anything of value to the conversation.
  8. The fact that he actually did show up a few times kind of works against your theory. It just wasn't very often.
  9. Only if you can find a constitutional right to play in the NFL somewhere in the Bill of Rights. Feel free to check, but I'm pretty sure it's not there.
  10. Rivera made it pretty clear he'd be happy to have him around. And per the terms of the Exempt list, he NFL didn't have the right to tell him not to come around.
  11. 'Conduct detrimental' can be a really flexible phrase. I get what you mean, but didn't they already stand with Ray Rice?
  12. 'Conduct detrimental' perhaps. I don't think it happens myself, but it's possible.
  13. A regular suspension forbids a guy from even being around the team. Hardy wasn't prohibited from being on the facilities or even being at games to cheer teammates on. He just didn't come around.
  14. I'm amazed at how many people either don't know or just don't understand these facts. I'm of the mind that Hardy not 'choosing' to spend much of his considerable free time with his teammates did a lot to sour how the team felt about him. (all just speculation, of course)
  15. You forgot the phrase "from the Dolphins".
  16. By NFL terms, he hasn't actually been 'suspended' yet. The Exempt list is essentially a paid vacation. Suspension is unpaid and limits or disallows contact with the team..
  17. Something his next team will have to account for. As for the team statement, it's your typical generic "yeah, we know" piece we see all the time.
  18. Voth is probably the best source available for Panther info right now. That he has good contacts and sources within the organization is something pretty much no one doubts. Zod has testified plenty to that fact. If you wanna say he's wrong, show some evidence that contradicts him. If all you've got is you vs Voth, afraid you lose.
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