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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. Or could have just married and divorced him. Or come up with a story and faked some minor injuries. You don't have to risk actual injury - or worse- if all you're doing is setting someone up.
  2. You're not alone on that front. There's a dozen kinds of stupid going on in this thread. "Can't be true or she'd be dead..." - Yeah, I'm sure the injuries she was treated for are just imaginary. Maybe she has friends who work at the ER helping her with the set up. "It's okay if he hit her if she hit him first." - Size doesn't matter, right? So what if you're an NFL player and she's just a little over a hundred pounds? If she looks threatening, you can do whatever you want! "She's just looking for a payday." - Oh sure. Lots of girls spend eight months in a relationship just looking for a payday. And plenty of them get themselves beaten up too. I mean it's not like they could sue by faking an incident, right? Guess she must be a method actress. Some of us actually are waiting for the story to play out. But there are some here whose version of 'waiting for facts' equates to 'waiting for a spin on the story that exonerates a guy on my favorite football team'. You don't want 'facts'. You want Hardy off the hook so he can go back to playing football. Whether or not he actually did this is of lesser importance in your minds. Which, frankly, tells me you're not much of a man. Makes me wonder what your significant other would say if we asked them how you treat her. There are, believe it or not, more important things in this world than football. If Hardy is indeed guilty of violence against a woman, I'm not interested in excuses. He deserves whatever the law - and the team - do to him. That's all. No excuses. No exceptions. You don't get a pass on hurting a woman because you're rich, famous and athletic. If he's innocent, good, but not because it means he can keep playing football. Good because it means he didn't hurt a woman and he's not the kind of despicable lowlife that would do something like that. The way the story is playing out now, I'd have to say it doesn't look good for him. Her having treatable injuries (including an arm in a sling) looks pretty bad. If any of what's being alleged is true, then it's all but a lock that he's no longer a Panther and his best bet is probably a plea bargain and counseling.
  3. Not really even sure what Smitty's trying to say in the context of this story.
  4. Really hope that's not true. Pretty bad story if it is.
  5. Took math classes from Michael Vick?
  6. Based on what? All women are liars? All women who date athletes are liars? Athletes never do stuff like this? What? What's your justification? We know nothing at this point. I hope it's not true, but assumptions that the victim is a liar just because she accused a guy you cheer for are ridiculous.
  7. Side Note: Dammit dammit dammit dammit dammit dammit dammit dammit
  8. Always the best option. That said, stuff like this rarely comes to an easy conclusion.
  9. Here's the actual WSOC TV website link. http://www.wsoctv.com/news/news/local/cmpd-panthers-de-greg-hardy-arrested-domestic-viol/nfwB3/ Dammit
  10. Harold Carmichael was 6'8. These days, most guys that tall end up at TE. No opinion on the kid in question, but you asked
  11. There's some sort of hypnosis going on here...
  12. From The Masters (retweeted by Ed Werder)
  13. You're kind of an a--hole (that applies to the 7-Eleven picture too)
  14. That came out way more positive than I was expecting.
  15. Here's something you don't see every day... Apparently, the walrus fell asleep on top of a submarine as it was surfacing.
  16. Wrong. There was some kind of weird creature riding on the wing and tearing it up piece by piece. One guy saw it but nobody believed him. They thought he was nuts.
  17. Something tells me she's got more sense than the American version.
  18. Apparently girls named Miley just never want to keep things on (cool pics, dude; glad you're having a good time)
  19. I'm keenly aware how much it hurts to lose a pet, and mine died peacefully. Very sad.
  20. Ouch. Terribly sorry to hear that Phil.
  21. I like the idea of a guy who could be another good second level blocker. Ryan Kalil is fantastic at that. Imagine if he had more help.
  22. Whatever pages it is you surf, I don't ever wanna go there You find some of the weirdest, most disturbing stuff...
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