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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. You don't know who the guy who started at right tackle (and graded out really well) for the latter part of the season is? You don't actually even watch the games, do you?
  2. I love that the phrase 'same old same old' is used to describe a two year stretch where the team accomplished something it had never done in its entire history Reality is this kid is perpetually bitter about his favorite player getting cut so now he wants to cast everything Gettleman does as failure. Problem being of course that none of what he says is especially accurate, so it winds up looking like what it essentially is, an angry child whining because he's not getting his way. What's especially sad is that this is actually the most hopeful for the future I've seen this board in years, but I guess some folks just can't let themselves enjoy it.
  3. Yeah, there will definitely always be a...nah, I can't (too lowbrow)
  4. 'Gettleman cut Steve Smith so I hate him and I'm gonna say that everything he does sucks regardless of whether it has anything to do with reality' is pretty much your whole shtick. Get some new material, kid.
  5. Bout what I expected. Everything sucks The names 'Norwell' and 'Remners' dont mean anything to you, do they? I suppose you can try and keep this 'everything Gettleman does sucks we should fire him and bring back Steve Smith' tantrum going if you want, but no matter how much you want it, it's not going to happen and it makes your take on the whole thing ilook uninformed , bordering on delusional. Try telling Jerry Richardson you'll hold your breath till you turn blue. Maybe that'll help.
  6. You do realize we had a draft last year, right? I ask because I notice you avoided the topic. Had one the year before that too. Both drafts went, ya know, rather well, especially this past one. Signed some solid undrafteds too. Had a 12-4 season in Gettleman's first season as GM after some good free agent signings on top of that aforementioned good draft.year and won the division. Won it again this year after going on a really solid late season run, largely thanks to rookies that were picked by....guess who? This has, in fact, been arguably the most successful two year period the franchise has had. Oh, but he cut Steve Smith so I guess none of it counts
  7. Oh hell no. If he signs the deal, you're on the hook.
  8. You wanna work for the DAs office? They appear to have a need you could fill.
  9. Hate to tell ya, but if they ask for more money than the team is willing to pay, that could happen. I don't think that will happen, but you'd best believe it could.
  10. Teams that draft well enough to be perennial contenders let free agents walk all the time. Honestly, that's what were hoping to be, a team that can do that.
  11. I gotta ask, in this day and age, you're looking for someone's whereabouts, how the heck do you not check social media? Nobody in the DA's office thought of this? Not even a teenage intern or something? That's embarrassing.
  12. You can work with on-field crazy. When you throw money at off field crazy though, you're takin' a risk.
  13. I wrote 'luck'. I swear I wrote 'luck' Friggin' autocorrect
  14. Truth be told, this is probably not the outcome Goodell wanted. Hardy being back in the public consciousness reminds people of the League's image problems from last season.
  15. I think the whole 'innocent' vs 'not guilty' discussion has been had here before.
  16. You could always try a strip club. (my understanding is that strippers can generally be found there)
  17. Need a ahot with a better view of her elbows.
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