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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. Character name was 'Rocky'. Former Ranger, I guess (I had to look it up).
  2. Funny thing on perspective... Other teams last year were complaining that the Panthers and Vikings were getting an 'unfair advantage' because of the Exempt List. They reportedly saw it as us being granted an extra roster spot. Why that mattered, given that the player couldn't play? Got me, but they complained anyway.
  3. Dolphins drafted a receiver at #9 overall some years back. What was that guy's name again? I've forgotten
  4. From what I've read, the Exempt List was never really meant to be used like it is now. Heck, from what I understand, it's hardly been used at all for a while now. It was dusted off because the league needed a quick fix for their image issues. In years to come, I guess it'll be used way more frequently.
  5. Haven't ever bothered to block anyone on here. Easier to just ignore you. I'll demonstrate...
  6. He'd sure make the kid's football camps more interesting
  7. Haven't watched him for a while, so hard to say. On rep, yeah, but I don't like to go off rep. (the team definitely won't)
  8. You know who this discussion needs to really get it going? Brian Williams.
  9. Do ya think maybe if they had just come out and said "Yes, we screwed up big time by punishing too lightly in the past and from here on out we'll do better", and then just moved on rather than trying to face save with Rice, Hardy, Peterson, etc. that this stuff might not be the hot topic it is right now? Can't help but feel that the way they've handled a lot of this has actually made their problems worse than they might have been?
  10. Here's the fun: I still say the NFL doesn't need proof to suspend Hardy. Their rules allow them to do so without having to meet the kind of standard you have in a court of law. That hasn't changed, and nowhere have I denied i (except, apparently in your fertile imagination). Likewise, I have consistently said a big reason why they will likely fight tooth and nail to keep him off the field is because he reminds people of their image problems, and they don't want that. Even people who disagree with me on other points acknowledge that. As to the rest, well that's what I expect from you Lemme put this plainly... Debating with people who have something intelligent and interesting to say - even if they disagree with me - is enjoyable. I can do that all day. Going back and forth with trolls who just wanna pick fights with people to piss them off, on the other hand, is boring. And frankly, that MO is kinda pathetic. Conversations with you are boring. Feel free to complete the syllogism.
  11. And wrong...again. But given that you generally get things wrong I shouldn't be surprised. Of course, if you were actually trying to make a decent argument rather than just being a douchebag to troll for attention, it would make this process more interesting.
  12. Regarding the Falcons letting go of guard Justin Blalock... He's a big boy and they're expected to transition to a smaller more athletic line.
  13. These days, people in regular jobs can be fired for posting the wrong thing on Facebook.
  14. Herremans could be a good veteran inside backup (depending on how much money he's looking for).
  15. I may not be as cool as Cam Newton, but I'd like to think I'm at least on par with Matt Lytle. Heck, maybe even Jack Trudeau
  16. Essentially the Dwan Edwards role. If he's got enough left in the tank...
  17. I figured. Do kinda wish people would let the fringe conversation drop and focus on the real subject though. This is a very cool moment for our online buddy here.
  18. Not to be rude, but I honestly just don't care about it.
  19. I'm late to the game because I thought this thread was just gonna be a video request It almost seems redundant to say "congratulations" because I've been congratulating you on the quality of your work for years now, but I guess it's still appropriate Best wishes from me, man. Keep doing what you do. Told ya a long time ago you've got the skills to go places. Now show everyone!
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