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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. So the idea is being tossed around of rebooting the Indiana Jones movies. (probably has a lot to do with the colossal Mongolian cluster %#$& that 'Crystal Skull' was) Unfortunately, series star Harrison Ford is a little too old to kep doing this part, so the powers that be have suggested casting a new young actor to take over the role of the heroic archaeologist. Namely, Guardians of the Galaxy's Chris Pratt. I like Chris Pratt. I think he's great. I hate the idea of him playing Indiana Jones with the fire of a thousand sons. There are some characters that are just so completely, irrevocably tied to certain actors that recasting them is just a travesty. In my opinion, Indiana Jones - Harrison Ford is one of those connections. Who else would you suggest so defined a certain role that no one else should try and play it?
  2. Local news was saying he agreed to give the league the trial documents they've been asking for. Would you interpret his willingness to compromise on this as a sign that the money means more to I'm than his reputation?
  3. Most folks here honestly aren't that high on the idea.
  4. I get nominated a lot I did the job on the original Panthers board up till the shutdown. That experience was enough that I have no desire to do it again. And then of course there's the dildo discussion
  5. The part he's not telling you is that the 'models' will be Catman, SCP, Philly and Panda
  6. Well, we could always use this thread to post alternate descriptions of Zod. Can you think of a better phrase to use than "local blogger"?
  7. And people wonder why I don't want to be a mod...
  8. Girlfriend's teenage daughter had her hair all brushed down over her face. I said "Hey, Cousin Itt.' Had no clue what I was talking about
  9. Is there any sort official record kept as far as how quickly a thread goes to a mention of dildos? Just wondering if this thread would be the new record holder since it came on Post #2.
  10. I'm just gonna monitor this thread to see how many people call you names (and what names they choose).
  11. The release of Trent Cole by the Eagles is apparently now official. Chip Kelly said they wanted Cole to take a pay cut and he declined.
  12. I think I remember seeing that somewhere (maybe Dianna Russini's Twitter).
  13. Couple of quick items... Former Ravens DL Chris Canty is visiting with the Jets this weekend. Also word that the 49ers are offering LB Michael Wilhoite as a trade (filled in okay last year when some starters were hurt but would be a backup there this season).
  14. Going with college kids, and a number of them out of Oregon Defensive players haven't necessarily been big fans of Kelly's approach because it wears them out just as much as it does their opponents.
  15. Hey, I liked your mock just as much as I like any other mock done around the first of March
  16. Is it located near a strip club called "Shirt Tag"?
  17. Ian Rapoport says the Colts are trying to trade LB Curtis Lofton. (and here we'd been told he was supposed to be the best thing in New Orleans since the Dome Patrol)
  18. Our old buddy Jon Beason is expected to take a pay cut from the Giants as well.
  19. Word that the Texans will release starting C Chris Myers. (I wonder how he manages to be in games while also doing play by play for Fox Sports)
  20. We know about Oher and reported interest in Ginn. And of course we signed back a couple of our own (Chris Scott and Colin Cole) and are working on another (Dwan Edwards). I'm concentrating mainly on other teams in this thread though because I figure any Panther news will get it's own thread.
  21. Obligatory Greg Hardy news... There is some speculation that Greg Hardy will make a deal with the NFL where he will accept having a suspension imposed on him without appeal in exchange for the league reinstating him from the Commissioner's Exempt list so that he can pursue free agent contracts when the negotiating period opens on March 7th. If this goes through, the expected penalty could be two games (per the old rules) but the league might shoot for longer given that a two game penalty on Ray Rice raised the ire of women and domestic violence conscious folks across the nation.
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