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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. Getting a cheap tackle last year was pretty much impossible. Teams overpaid for a lot of guys who turned out to be garbage. Of the guys that were available, there wasn't really anyone that much better than what we had.
  2. You're lumping Remmers in with that crew? Did you watch last year? And let's be clear. Bell and Chandler were here before Gettleman was hired. Heck, Bell's been here since 2011.
  3. Not to worry Saint fans. Just keep repeating "Mickey Loomis is a genius".
  4. We didn't draft Trai Turner? Or sign Andrew Norwell? (how in the heck did these guys get on our roster?)
  5. I'm not 'condemning' him at all. I have no personal feelings about the guy whatsoever. What I'm talking about is how teams - including ours - are gonna look at guys with character issues. And reality is that right now, anyone with anything related to domestic violence in their background is going to have a red flag next to their name.
  6. Maybe, but I wouldn't bet on it happening, based on Gettleman's 'time bomb' comment. And to be clear, the Panthers will not be the only team that passes on him for that same reason. With the NFL's current policies, a lot of teams are going to shy away from anybody with domestic violence of any sort on their record. The Ravens are a prime example, and they've stated so directly (no shock given that this is the team that got burned the most by the Rice story). Anyone thinking that the Panthers are the only team taking a hard look at player character now needs to think again.
  7. It's a nickname. A more accurate one would be "Completely Unreliable Bob", but he probably wouldn't get as much attention with that.
  8. And yet teams kept dumping him. Does it not raise a bit of a red flag in your mind when teams are so willing to part with someone that talented? Part of the draft process is evaluating how much potential a kid has to do something stupid and get himself suspended. That's especially true of domestic violence incidents these days in the wake of the Ray Rice scandal. The NFL is not going to be gentle to anybody that gets themselves into that situation now. Add in that they've shown that they're willing to use the exempt list even if a player's legal situation hasn't gone through due process. There are plenty of kids who do stupid stuff in college or have an unfortunate incident. Those guys often show remorse and don't repeat their bad behavior. They may not be 'choir boys' but they aren't 'time bombs' either. Nobody has a problem drafting someone like that. The trick is distinguishing those guys from the ones with either a true penchant for criminal behavior or a long-running pattern of terrible judgment.
  9. Randy Moss has the exact same number of Super Bowl rings as the Panthers. And the teams that did take him kept getting rid of him. Remind me, how many games did Justin Blackmon help his team win last year? How many games did Greg Hardy play in last year? How many touchdowns did Ray Rice score last year? How many games will Josh Gordon be playing in this year? Players that are suspended don't help you win games.
  10. ...while taking him out of a structured environment and giving him complete freedom.
  11. PFT reporting there is the possibility that Max Unger might not pass his physical in New Orleans. If that happens and the Graham trade is voided, this offseason could get even more entertaining than it already has been
  12. In the post Ray Rice NFL, guys with even a hint of domestic violence in their profile are going to have a tougher time. So yes, he can.
  13. One thing I have to point out... While the thread title implies it's definitely happening, your actual post only says it might happen. The title winds up being a little misleading based on what you actually posted.
  14. Ugh. Hate stories like this.
  15. The OP, who is unknown. Could be legit. Could be bulls--t. We'll see.
  16. Lemme have you put it into something lots of Panther fans can relate to. Compare and contrast Michael Crabtree with Muhsin Muhammad. Similarities, differences, better at this, worse at that, etc.
  17. I'm not that big a Hakeem fan either. But if we signed him to a reasonable deal (i.e. in the range of half or so of what he made last year) I wouldn't scream.
  18. And I hate to be a downer, but a good rule of thumb to follow is never give value to anything Incarcerated Bob says. As a source he's as worthless as (insert metaphor for something worthless here).
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