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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. Right. Everything worked in our favor despite the 'joke' GM. He's just lucky. Good Lord
  2. You really wanna appeal to defending Hurney (see, this is where you clearly show you've lost the argument) When was the first time that core of players helped the Panthers make the playoffs? Or, to put it another way, what GM built the roster on which they did?
  3. I admit that thought's crossed my mind too. I'm fairly confident we'll have a better, deeper roster than last year by the time the season rolls around. Having that better roster would (hopefully) minimize depth chart mistakes. And of course, the sad flipside is that what injury giveth, injury can taketh away
  4. Uh huh Face it, dude. We're in a way better spot than we have been in our team history since Gettleman took over. Whine and bitch to your heart's content if that's what makes you happy, but you're off base.
  5. Except we did, and did so on the strength of a late season run fueled by rookies drafted by what you called our "joke" of a GM.
  6. Didn't sound like it to me, but if you say you meant it differently than I read, I'll take your word for it.
  7. Hard to say. Maybe there were things Gettleman needed to learn that he wouldn't have if he'd come to us earlier. (we're getting into 'butterfly effect' territory now)
  8. By season's end - when injuries starting making Rivera's depth chart decisions for him - yes we were. And finishing strong does a lot for a team.
  9. And yet his team has been in the playoffs back to back seasons. And we had our best rookie class ever. Plus we're getting out of our salary cap hole. And we're pretty well positioned for the future. Oh but wait, he didn't throw all our cap money at a guy you wanted on the second day of free agency with months to go and the draft still upcoming. You're right. He must not know what he's doing
  10. Hurney managed three winning seasons out of eleven years in charge and put us in a cap hell that we're still trying to fix. He was not a good GM.
  11. Well, that much I agree with. But in this forum, I honestly don't care if you have a PhD in quantum physics. You either know the game or you don't. And you don't.
  12. On a football board? Not really. Care to try and throw something else out there to try and make yourself look smart? (cause bitching about the roster after two days of free agency when we're coming off our first ever back to back playoffs isn't helping raise your profile)
  13. Ace isn't making valid points. He pretty much never does. He's just pulling his usual whine and bitch fest. I have no problem debating someone capable of an intellectual discussion, but that's not his forte.
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