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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. Boobs are a major factor here. They've got em, you post em, and Igo takes pictures of em.
  2. Big difference between fighting with a teammate and hitting a woman. An even bigger difference now in the post Ray Rice era. Whatever chance Hardy might have had to stay here before completely vanished when the Ray Rice story blew up.
  3. I've got a flashlight with bad batteries and a broken bulb, and it's probably still brighter.
  4. And I'm sure they'll all be logical and reasonable rather than stupid and emotional. Oh wait, the Saints fan already posted, didn't he?
  5. Couldn't tell ya. Everything I know about geese - real or imagined - wouldn't fill an index card. My nephew used to have a pet goose and my girlfriend's daughter had a duck for a while. Plus I used to live in a town that had a Blue Goose Motel but I never stayed there.
  6. Are you talking only about people being intentionally funny?
  7. Maybe "He Left Without A Contract"?
  8. And you're a good quality poster as well. Maybe Igo should have asked people to name cheap, high quality posters. (pretty sure Jase and Jangler would be the first names given, there)
  9. Chimera's another good one. I'm now remembering again why I hate these threads, because there are lots of people worth mentioning and I'm gonna hate it if I forget someone. which I'm sure I already have So if you're good and I forgot you, I'll just go ahead and apologize now. (I'm kind of an old man)
  10. Perhaps we should start referring to lurking as 'skulking'.
  11. I've long believed that they really wanted a tackle in the first round last year, but after Ju'wuan James was taken there were no first rounders left.
  12. I'd forgotten about Stills. That article actually makes it sound unlikely they'll sign Jennings at all, now or later.
  13. You're doing okay. Have to admit I was getting you and Linville George mixed up for a while. I'd add that Linville George is also a very solid poster who deserves mention in this thread.
  14. Good post, and you've reminded me of an odd phenomenon I've noticed. For whatever reason, there's something of a disconnect between my football life and my real world life. In the real world, I'm politically conservative, yet it seems most of the people with whom I agree in football discussions are politically to the left. And some who are conservative like me (or in some cases even way more than me) are posters with whom I hardly ever agree when it comes to football. Weird It's actually one of the reasons I rarely post in The Tinderbox. When I come to this board, I'd rather talk football than politics, and I got tired of having real world arguments with people I agreed with on football issues
  15. Well, you've got one of the funnier screen names. Heh
  16. Good choices. I'd add Jayflip to the list of guys who don't post as often as others but make sense when they do.
  17. Don't always agree with you but I think your football knowledge is up to snuff when you do post. That's another of the 'young-uns' I think does pretty well. And I'd add you do a great job as well, but it's hard to reference you for your long (and changing) screen names
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