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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. That was more about Hardy than the Panthers, and a true suspension is still coming there. But more to the point, that came after he got hammered for the Ray Rice fiasco.
  2. Blank says the Falcons won't appeal. Oh good. Take that whipping like a man, Arthur
  3. My read on Goodell has long been that he acts like The Punisher when it comes to player discipline but when it comes time to do something to teams (and by extension, owners) he turns into Glass Joe from Punch Out.
  4. The girl who wrote this did it as a parody for her school paper. Then a friend of hers posted it online and it took off. Now she's not at all happy that it's gone viral because she actually is applying to Harvard and she's worried they'll be angry.
  5. Kinda hard to put meaning to that absent true context though. You'd really need to examine the same stats for several other teams to get a framework. And then you'd wanna compare records, etc etc Stats in a vacuum aren't really telling.
  6. Here's the important thing to me... I've seen offenses be successful even when one of their top two receivers had a case of the dropsies. Both of your starters having inconsistent hands though? That's a really difficult handicap to overcome. I know everyone is all hyped up on speed right now (so to speak) but if I'm looking for a guy to complement Kelvin Benjamin, my key factor is that he have the best hands available. Ideally, you get both speed and hands, but if I'm absolutely forced to take a little less of one or the other, I'm skimping on speed. Like I've said before, doesn't matter how damn fast you run to a spot if you don't catch the ball when you get there.
  7. Can you prove conclusively that he isn't? Is there any true, hard evidence that Mark Davis existed before a few years ago?
  8. Which is why I'm happy our FO prefers game tape. I've seen plenty of teams make bad draft picks because somebody looked great working out in shorts.
  9. More former Panther news... John Fox says Jay Cutler will have to beat out Jimmy Clausen for the QB job
  10. I've spent plenty of time watching tackles, and I'm not a huge fan of Martin. But that said, i still like this move. Again, low risk, high reward.
  11. From Rotoworld, citing the Saint Paul Pioneer Press... Anyone shocked?
  12. And you may want to re-read those words again. Just to be clear, I've never been of the notion that my opinion is the only one that matters. There are plenty of smart posters here. I am of the notion that your opinion, however, is dumb, and your posting history is proof of that.
  13. How have the Saints done since caving on that? (yeah, that's a team I wanna emulate) And Revis? You mean the guy that changes teams annually? And if you're citing Larry Johnson as a success story...well, you might wanna look up how that story ended. Since I seriously doubt you actually had any knowledge of these stories, I'm guessing you just googled NFL holdouts. Quick tip, kid: Random googling is a tactic for the uninformed, and s sure way to prove to everyone that you don't know what you're talking about. (but then, having read your prior posts, I'm pretty sure most of us already knew that)
  14. Could add another second rounder if they sign Ijalana.
  15. Voth generally cites PFF with a "for what it's worth" disclaimer. It's pretty difficult to put stats to an OL. I prefer the eyeball test.
  16. Santa Claus wishes he could see as much as Aaron Wilson does. And I agree.
  17. Good analysis. They're checking out another guy too (visited yesterday).
  18. I'm not a big fan, but they do at least know more about football than you do. This is a good, low risk, high reward signing.
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