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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. If that's all it was, no big deal, but the linked article (a source I've frankly never heard of) didn't give a reason. They just said he "refused". If you've got a source with different info, you should link it.
  2. Nobody I know with any real football knowledge does, regardless of religious beliefs.
  3. Seriously doubt it, dude. And while I hate the Cowboys as much as anyone, I have to say a prospect refusing to meet with any team that's interested in him would be a huge red flag for me.
  4. As a person, sure. As a football player, the only Christian friend I know who thinks he's a good quarterback is a lady who just watches football for eye candy like him and Luke.
  5. Tim Teb0w being with the Patriots was like Jesus playing for Satan.
  6. When you've got agreement between an 'agnostic atheist' and a conservative Christian, I'd say there's a pretty solid argument in place.
  7. I'm a conservative Christian, and I don't buy that idea.
  8. Appropriately enough... Twenty-five years ago Sunday the Colts moved up to get Jeff George
  9. I'm not seeing any hate for him or anything he did prior to the pros. He's just not good enough to be an NFL QB. No hate is needed to say that; just a decent understanding of pro football and a working set of eyes.
  10. I have. I've never been a quarterback coach and I'd certainly never claim to be a quarterback guru. But a few years ago a friend of mine told me about his nephew. He'd been the QB for his middle school team and was moving up to high school, and after a few weeks of practice, the high school coach was beginning to hint that he might be best served to change positions. The kid really wanted to play QB, so my friend - knowing me to be a football fanatic - asked if I could help. I told him I'd do anything I could. So I got together with my friend, the kid and another friend's kid and gave him some tips on mechanics. About a month later, my friend told me the kid got to stay a quarterback. The following year, he won the starting job. I actually got to see him play later that year (just once) and he looked pretty good. So I said all that just to say this... I would credit that kid with having better passing mechanics than Tim Teb0w, and I'm not exaggerating when I say that.
  11. I have no hate for him whatsoever. By all accounts he's a great guy. He's just a terrible quarterback.
  12. Said it before: I think Kelly's ego is such that he believes he can even make a pro QB out of Teb0w.
  13. Looks like former Cards safety Adrian Wilson is retiring.
  14. This forum is very capable of arguing over quarterbacks, so much so that we can even argue vehemently over someone else's quarterback.
  15. Every player has ups and downs, Cam, Luke and all other current Panthers included. Jake lost a lot after his surgery. Thought he'd gotten it back in 08. but it didn't happen. Cest la vie. DeAngelo Williams was a prime example. He did a lot of good for this team even though he declined in recent years. Calling him 'trash' would be equally off base. Likewise, Jake was part of some of the best moments this franchise ever had. The win against the Jags, X-Clown, heck that whole magic season, and he played lights out in the playoffs and the Super Bowl. You have to put it all in perspective. Yeah, there were rough times, but there was plenty of good too. That's not 'trash'.
  16. The notion that a guy's performance is "90% luck" is just ridiculous. Throw in that one of Jake's best statistical years (maybe the best, I forget) was the year Smitty was out all season. Jake may not have been elite, but calling him 'trash' is just flat out ignorant. We don't make the Super Bowl in 03 or the NFCS in 05 without Delhomme playing like he did.
  17. I'll be happy when it's done, one way or another. Still won't surprise me if him signing elsewhere ignites the idiot fringe into screaming doom and gloom.
  18. There was word that the Ravens were interested a while back.
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