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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. Yet there are still people who think the Colts have done a better job building around their quarterback.
  2. Don't get overconfident folks. Lots of football left to play.
  3. I have no problem with trading up for a great player. Hurney was lousy at judging who was a great player.
  4. We've won five without either of them, including a big one in Seattle (where no one wins).
  5. Ravens brass doesn't see their season as over after six or seven games. No professional team worth anything would. They'll keep fighting, same as we did back in 2004 (and for that matter, just last season). It was already reported that they're actually hoping Smith changes his mind about retirement and plays for them again next year. Hence, they're not interested in trading him this year. And given what the rest of their receiving corps looks like, no reason they should be. Plus, as has been discussed already in this thread, we're not trading away anything for a guy who's only gonna play a partial season. Nor should we. Bottom Line: Whatever we win or lose this year will be done without Steve Smith. Many people think that's for the best, including the guy who makes these decisions. It doesn't matter how you spin it in your head, dude. It isn't happening.
  6. I'm afraid his Instagram says otherwise. Smith has never been one to say stuff he doesn't mean. And what he said there he said pretty strongly. He's not coming back. At this point, I wouldn't even bank on the one day contract retirement.
  7. I predict that if we lose, the chicken littles and the naysayers will be screaming 'EXPOSED' and crowing about how they knew it all along.
  8. Not every statement made by coaches and players is posturing. Sometimes they just mean what they say.
  9. But a definitive answer. If it means no more Steve Smith threads, I'd say it's worth it.
  10. PFT had posted an article suggesting the Ravens should trade Smith to the Arizona Cardinals.
  11. Nothing surprises me, anymore. Regardless, if this doesn't end the "bring back Steve Smith" threads, I don't know what will.
  12. You know what gets me? This... Followed by this... Seems like kind of a rude response to his son's post, in my opinion. Mind you, not as rude as his response to Monsta.
  13. So first "I'll quit if they trade me" and now this. Anybody still on this bandwagon?
  14. No. There was more to it than that. That's not the point, though. It's just an example. The point is that this whole idea that other teams demonstrate some great "loyalty" to their players while the mean old Panthers just toss people aside is ridiculous. You can find examples of beloved players getting cut loose for every single team in the league. You might even find some of the harsher stories come from some of the league's more successful teams. It's a business, and if you want to be successful, you run it like one.
  15. Pretty much. Hero worship is fun when you're a kid, but sometimes when you grow up you learn unpleasant facts about the guys you used to idolize. Part of becoming an adult, I guess.
  16. Sounds more like Steve Smith wasn't playing as well as he had in prior years (especially late in the season).
  17. There was a whole big brouhaha between McNair and the Ravens late in his career. As was stated before, football is a business. "Loyalty" in the NFL is an amusing concept. Teams are 'loyal' to guys who are producing. Players are 'loyal' to whatever team pays them the most. And on both sides, it's justified. That's why people hoping for storybook endings generally wind up disappointed. This isn't a fairy tale.
  18. Maybe you should become a Ravens fan, kid. But before you do, you might wanna look back at the "loyalty" the Ravens showed Steve McNair, for example.
  19. Well, here's your final answer, Regis. Steve Smith: "I'd quit if the Ravens traded me." So If Smith says he'd rather quit than play for anyone but the Ravens, do people here still want him back?
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