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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. He did it to make fun of him. I'm not sure our resident dimwit has caught on to that fact yet.
  2. Some of them aren't even that. These days, a decent number of them are really just lip-synching dancers.
  3. When the classic rock stations are the ones playing "your song", it's time to acknowledge you're old
  4. Panther fans who've been around since 2003 should be the last ones to ever argue that the extra point should be done away with.
  5. Eeeehhh, not really. Percentage isn't cumulative.
  6. I like all of it except for the allowance of defenses to return two point conversions.
  7. What kraft can't take back is some of the dumbass stuff his organization threw out there for excuses. "He's just trying to lose weight." Yeah
  8. It appears he actually stood his ground. (or maybe the other 31 owners did) Now PFT is speculating that he might cave on the Brady suspension as a favor to Kraft instead, but the Players Association is still trying to get him to recuse himself on that one, so it's hard to know what to think at this point.
  9. I have opinions on this, but I'm keeping them to myself because there's no way for me to give them without sounding like my father
  10. You do realize it was actually Kraft who wound up backing down, right? (based on this post, I'm guessing you don't)
  11. Dern kids with their loud music...
  12. More evidence... Bob McNair: Kraft dropping appeal was the smart thing to do I'd actually forgotten that the league meetings were going on today. Makes a lot more sense now
  13. From the PFT story quoting Kraft's statement (link) Those lines and the general tone tell me it was made clear to him that the rest of the league was ready to smack him down if he had gone ahead with what he said he was going to do.
  14. There's a shock, especially after all the screaming he did about it. Wonder if someone told him "31 other owners hate your guts".
  15. I'm not surprised. I was surprised when they got the penalties they did. I think if they reduce it, it's stupid, but I'd be lying if I said i was surprised.
  16. Goodell, Kraft have spoken, hugged recently "I'm so sorry I hurt your feelings, Bob. I know you'd never cheat on me. Can you forgive me for not believing in you?"
  17. I'd agree that if you handcuff a QB who can run, you lessen the threat against the defense. The threat should always be there even if, over time, the number of actual runs naturally decreases. The last few years of John Elway provide a good example for me. I do suggest that you spend more time coaching him as a passer than you do as a runner because his passing skills are what's going to determine his long term success. Heck, good running doesn't require as much coaching and practice as good passing, anyway. So bottom line: Emphasize passing in the coaching department while you also solidify an offensive line to protect the pocket and you've got a blueprint for success regardless of how much or how little he runs in the future, but don't take the designed runs out. The threat needs to be there to keep defenses on their heels.
  18. My schools certainly had bullies (they all do,) but I personally never got bullied much at all. A few years after graduating high school though, I ran into a member of the 'popular crowd' who'd been a colossal a--hole to pretty much everybody he felt was beneath him (which was most of us). At the time, he was doing a menial job and looked like he was pretty embarrassed to be recognized. I did nothing that you'd call 'revenge' but will confess to getting a chuckle out of the encounter.
  19. If you've ever really busted your ass for something for a long time and finally achieved a goal, it's like that.
  20. I'm in agreement with the general consensus here. Sorry to hear, but other than covering your bases I wouldn't push farther.
  21. If I'm the Seahawks, I absolutely trade him right now. May as well get something back, right?
  22. I thought someone posted a link to a YouTube clip of the full game recently.
  23. The first win ever, vs the Jets, when Sam Mills picked a shovel pass and took it back for a TD was also memorable. And if course, Jake's ripped pants game Lord, there's a lot...
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