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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. Good news for you. Now you have a reason to be pessimistic again.
  2. Surprised it took till seven posts in for someone to say what likely all of us were thinking when we saw the headline.
  3. Are you talking about Jeff Davidson? Not to be mean dude, but Jeff Davidson was gone when Cam got here. He's only had Chudzinski and Shula, and Benjamin has only had Shula. Did you mean Chudzinski?
  4. So you see, evil will always triumph because good is dumb.
  5. FYI: If you're panicking or making any major long term judgments right now, you should probably turn the TV off.
  6. Man, did Daryl Williams pop out of his stance quick on that play.
  7. Newton is off, but it's preseason. Nobody should be surprised by that.
  8. It wasn't pass interference. It was, however, defensive holding.
  9. I tend to watch preseason games on my knees praying that no one gets injured.
  10. I can't imagine him being 'gentle' in his job, though.
  11. On his own, probably not. But Davis might have a chance at something Smith probably won't. An advocate. A fair number of guys get into the Hall of Fame because someone - usually a Hall of Fame voter and/or a member of the media - champions their cause and campaigns really hard for their entry. Now, I could see someone doing that for Thomas Davis. A media guy campaigning for Smith, though? Not so likely
  12. Barring some major developments, Smitty is gonna have a hard time getting into the Hall of Fame at all, much less on the first ballot. I agree that - again, barring something unforeseen and assuming he continues to play like he does now - Luke Kuechly will probably be the first guy who was drafted here and played out his entire career here to go into the Hall of Fame as a Panther. Mind you, I could see someone making a push for Thomas Davis, but it might be an uphill battle. Heck, even Sam Mills isn't getting much push.
  13. One thing I feel is certain... Williams and Norwell playing next to each other would give us the most pissed off left side in the NFL.
  14. Not so hot on the reading comprehension, I see. You might wanna try reading that post again, kid. To answer: You tell me, and no, I wasn't expecting big things from Martin. He was a 'low risk' signing.
  15. The reality that you know less about football than the 8th graders I coached this Spring? I'm actually pretty comfortable with that.
  16. We should go after him now! No one else will so he's guaranteed to sign with us!
  17. To be fair, exceptions have been made to that rule before. (there was that one guy...)
  18. They don't appreciate it now. Once he starts hitting guys that are wearing other uniforms, they'll appreciate it very much.
  19. I expect you'll be kicked off this board before Bersin is kicked off this team.
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