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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. You don't often get to see two defensive ends do their sack dances at the same time.
  2. Their cords broke. They were heard yelling "Occupy wa-SH!T!!!"
  3. Ask Jangler. Tell ya what, Jangler. We win, I'll actually go back and Pie your post.
  4. I gave you twice as much pie as I've ever given anyone.
  5. Williams isn't healthy enough to play a full game.
  6. Jonathan Stewart has the balance of a champion gymnast.
  7. Long gain by Tolbert. How many time have you heard that statement?
  8. Great play by Kurt Coleman. I'm hearing that phrase a lot tonight.
  9. FYI: Lisa Salters reported that Rivera went ape s--t on the refs on his way to the locker room before halftime. I say good for him.
  10. Guess that rash of injuries from this past weekend got us too.
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