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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. I have a hard time buying that if one of the better DEs is there, we'll pass them up. If all the best pass rushers are gone, then I could see it.
  2. Oh, he absolutely does. We know from past drafts that he does due diligence on every pick from number one on down.
  3. And now for a little "flipside" thinking... It's also true that as you get closer to the draft, teams tend to get more into "wheel and deal" mode. So it's possible that is the Raiders or another team really covet Norman, Draft Week (or even Draft Day) might be the time that they get something done. It's definitely gonna be interesting to watch.
  4. Depends on what they offer. If it's a blockbuster deal, I doubt we match it. Compensation would be their next two first rounders unless they negotiated something else (like a first and third in the same year).
  5. If it happens, it may not necessarily be this year's draft. They have up to July 15th to work something out before it becomes 'this deal or nothing'. The Raiders could possibly put off signing a deal until after the draft so that they don't have to give up any picks until next year, with the hope for them being that next year's picks will be lower. Mind you, that could backfire and they could actually wind up giving away an even higher pick instead, but teams tend to bet on themselves (same as players do).
  6. Can you still lock threads?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr. Scot

      Mr. Scot

      Would you mind locking this one?


    3. Proudiddy
    4. Mr. Scot

      Mr. Scot


      Any chance to get the Franchise thread unpinned and the Official Free Agency thread pinned instead?

  7. Hey Rayz, if I start a new Free Agent thread at 4pm, can you lock the old one?

  8. Wonder how that went on his first try.
  9. Daniel Jeremiah, Gil Brandt, Rick Gosselin and Rob Rang are good for draft info. There are others, but those are the first names that come to mind for me.
  10. Daniel Jeremiah's new mock has him going 27th to the Packers. The Panthers take Ohio State CB Eli Apple.
  11. I mean if a guy's not playing at an All Pro level by the middle of his rookie season, you just gotta cut your losses, right?
  12. Nobody's paranoid about you, doofus. They're laughing at you. This pitiful attempt to come back and troll pretty much cements that we own you, seeing as rather than actually doing something worthwhile with your time you'd rather come here and desperately try to dampen our enjoyment. Except you can't... We're on Cloud Nine right now, and the only thing that you're actually accomplishing here is to give us an opportunity to rub your nose in the fact that our team beat your team twice and now they're sitting at home because of it. And to top it all off, all you can think to do is come here and try to bug people. Pathetic effort there in that instead you've given us something else we can smile about instead. So hey, thanks for adding to the fun, even though that wasn't your intent. And again, we own you.
  13. Uh huh. "I'll show everybody how little this means to me by spending a lot of time trolling their boards!" Now there's some "logic"...
  14. You're putting a ton of effort into trying to make other people who cheer for a team that beat your team unhappy. But hey, sports don't matter to your real life, right? Here's the truth, Sparky. After Sunday, we expect to be celebrating a Super Bowl victory, and all the trolling in the world won't be able to derail that. You're basically powerless to prevent it, yet you continue with these feeble attempts that make you sound like a spoiled child that didn't get what he wanted for Christmas. You want to think you're an irritant. You're basically a punchline. And after Sunday, you'll probably be moping around because other people are happy rather than doing something actually worthwhile in your own life. That's just pathetic.
  15. You sound like a second grader on a playground who lost a game and then played it off by saying "Oh, I wasn't really trying that hard anyway". Your team isn't in the Super Bowl. The Panthers are, and are favored to win. Grow a pair and get over it.
  16. You should change his user name to "Sour Grapes".
  17. Coming to a forum for fans of another team, pretending to be something you're not, just looking for attention and annoyance is ..well...pretty pathetic. So I'd say you don't exactly have a moral high ground from which to criticize anyone else. We're in the Super Bowl. Your team isn't. Good probability we beat your team to get here. Deal with it like an adult instead of pulling this childish bulls--t.
  18. Ugly, rotund dumbass Saints fan, perhaps?
  19. I'm a total neat freak but I dress like a shlub. Clothes don't tell the story.
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