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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. Only 53 guys make the final roster, and most of those will be players returning from last year. When there are only a few spots available, getting the best players you can for those spots is true "common sense".
  2. As the draft goes on, the quality of the players available gets lower. The equation is simple: One good player and two who won't make the roster means you wind up with one good player. Packaging the picks means you don't waste your time on two guys who weren't going to make it anyway and you wind up with one great player. It's not hard to understand.
  3. Actually his 'wasted resources' comment is exactly right. The choice would be between using three draft picks to get one good player and two who won't make it out of camp versus trading away the two lower picks to move up and get a great player. That's smart management, and smart teams do it all the time.
  4. Actually it's also about the number of spots available on the roster. The reason why we traded up last year was because we didn't have room for nine rookies on an already crowded roster. Same situation applies this year. Someone with team building experience knows that.
  5. Lots of reaches in the first round yesterday. That actually bodes well for us as a good number of quality players fell into the second.
  6. Nah. I'm just not wasting the effort. See, what makes it easy is I don't really have to convince anyone that you're not very bright because enough people already know.
  7. You're not important enough to do that. It was more just a drive by, and an understandable one given that - as is well known - you're hardly ever right about much of anything.
  8. For reading your post? Yeah, but that's pretty much always true. Gettleman did what he always does, what he felt was best for the team.
  9. You see, if ESPN can interview Ray Rice, then we can sign him.
  10. Like his dominating season last year? Get over it, kid. Hardy is never going to be a Panther again. Nor should he be. The team neither needs him nor wants him, so it's not gonna happen.
  11. ESPN is actually getting quite a bit of backlash for interviewing Hardy, including from some of their own people. Likewise, plenty of people are criticizing Hardy for coming off like a dumbass who just doesn't get it.
  12. And back to the topic, I won't be mad no matter what position we take in round one. My gut says defense, but I'm thinking more so that Gettleman knows what he's doing and thus I'll be fine with whatever position he drafts at 30.
  13. He was beating that drum last year too, as I recall. Other guy is pushing the theory that Richardson will sign Hardy to piss people off because he's mad at the league. (no, I'm not kidding)
  14. I'm warming to the idea of using a third day pick on Boehringer.
  15. You're not getting just how badly you've been played. Can't say I'm surprised.
  16. What a shame that all we could manage was the number one offense in the league last year.
  17. I'd bet both of mine that we won't take anybody that's been mentioned in this thread at pick number 31.
  18. For a while there, Hurney's first round pattern was linebacker/runningback.
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