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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. 40 times the grammar police savagely schooled social media users
  2. Pictures to perk up your day
  3. This is the kind of father I aspire to be.
  4. You know nothing of parrot poo. I've seen more of it than you ever will!
  5. I get the feeling their relationship did not end on good terms.
  6. Me everytime something crazy happens on the board...
  7. The Tinderbox - and the state of American political debate in general - summed up in a single picture...
  8. For the bird people among us...
  9. When police officers have a sense of humor...
  10. When Mom is waaaaaaayyy too honest...
  11. When Mom is a little too honest...
  12. Ouch! 25 People Who Are Straight Savage
  13. A different sort of placement (though some here would probably agree with this idea)
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