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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. Me too, but it's been a while since we've had a line that I felt good about putting there.
  2. Have done that before and might do that later, just not in a position to do it right now.
  3. Any chance you could talk about the offensive line situation without using the word "Little"?
  4. She's really good. Was just talking in another thread about Tepper being a bit of an ass to her at the Fitterer press conference.
  5. Judy Batista thinks the Carson Wentz trade could serve as something of a "market correction".
  6. I'm hitting the pay wall. Is it by Alaina Getzenberg or Jonathan Alexander?
  7. My thing with Stafford is that we made an aggressive but still reasonable offer. Obviously it would take more to trade for Watson, but as long as that deal can still be considered "aggressive but reasonable" I'd be fine with it. If we don't get him under those conditions, that's disappointing but it's not the end of the world. If we do get him, but it's because Tepper stepped in and directed his football people to do more than they otherwise would have, that might be a good short term outcome but it's a bad precedent for the future.
  8. I don't really think anybody is saying Teddy can be "the guy". It's more a thought that despite the team doing their best to replace him, that's what it might come down to. It's kind of like with the Matt Stafford trade. They gave it a good shot without overpaying, but weren't able to deal the deal. I'm okay with that. Another year of Bridgewater would suck, but I don't think it would be because of a lack of effort.
  9. There are some people being stupid b-tches, but they're not players.
  10. I definitely believe he should be. I seriously don't know if he is.
  11. No it's not. In fact, it's a disaster waiting to happen. Tepper indicated during Scott Fitterer's press conference that he was going to let the football people do their jobs without interference. And if he's smart, that's exactly what he'll do.
  12. He's one of those guys that I definitely think is better off not doing many press conferences. His getting a little snippy with Alaina Getzenberg when she was having technical issues was kind of a "come on, man" moment too.
  13. I don't doubt he'll be aggressive, and I'm all for aggressive, but there are a couple of things worth noting. My biggest concern is the Jerry Jones scenario. Let's say Fitterer and Rhule see a proposed trade scenario and say "no, that's too much to give up". I'd prefer Tepper accept their judgment. If he comes in and overrides them, that's a bad thing. Also worth pointing out that Tepper is on a level playing field here. Yes, he typically gets what he wants because in most cases he's got more money and power than anybody else, but that's not the case here. Being the richest NFL owner doesn't necessarily make you the most powerful (again, ask Jerry Jones).⁰
  14. Impatience is the source of a lot of bad decisions.
  15. No argument. I know there are some folks who think we're just a good quarterback away from being a contender but I look at the roster more like you do.
  16. The part about needing Houston to make a wise choice is where the plan fails.
  17. I like Sam Howell better than any of the three options behind Lawrence. But planning for a quarterback in next year's draft isn't really practical.
  18. I'm an old man. I'd definitely love to see a good Panthers team sooner rather than later A month ago, the idea of standing pat with Bridgewater for another year would have sounded incomprehensible to me. Even today, the thought makes me cringe. But with all that said, it might just happen. Hope not, but who knows?
  19. That's definitely an option. The closer we get to the draft though, seems like it's growing less and less likely that we'll be able to acquire one of those guys without trading up.
  20. There's still the possibility they could trade for someone like Darnold or Mariota, but Voth seemed indicate that if we don't get Watson, the most likely Plan B is to look to the draft. Others have said similar things. It definitely doesn't sound farfetched.
  21. I know some folks think because he's got enough money to buy the world Tepper will automatically get whatever he wants, but that's not realistic in the NFL (ask Jerry Jones). As to the topic Voth and Gantt have been pretty consistent in their statements about it. The basic facts are as follows. - The Panthers would love to trade for Watson - As of right now, the Texans are not willing to trade Watson and aren't listening to offers - The Texans might change their mind later, but it's not guaranteed - if that does happen, plenty of other teams will make offers as well - The Panthers are not necessarily in position to make as good an offer as some other teams - They do have other options, including trading for someone else or going to the Draft - Trying to get their first choice in the Draft won't exactly be easy either - And yeah, when all is said and done, we could be back to Bridgewater for one more year The basic summary is that wanting him is easy. Getting him would be extremely difficult. I'm not a real big fan of watching another season of what I saw last year, but there's not a whole lot any of us can do about that.
  22. Not my answer. It's Bill's, and it's pretty straightforward. As he mentioned, much can change, but that's where we stand right now.
  23. Read the first tweet. Q: As of today's date, do you think we'll open next season with the same quarterback (Bridgewater)? A: Correct. Much can change but I'd say as of today, it's Teddy.
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