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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. Unpopular opinions are fine but I'm afraid this one doesn't make any sense. If you're hoping somebody above us in the draft order makes a trade for Watson, why would you drive up the price? That would actually make it less likely that they make that trade.
  2. Looks like Schwartz took a bit of a swipe at Panther fans today. (granted, he may be right)
  3. The Broncos won with a barely mobile quarterback just five years ago. With that said, we're talking about a formula that's netted teams one Super Bowl under the flukiest of circumstances. Nobody's built a consistent contender that way. That's not an example I want to see us follow.
  4. I don't think the moves we've made so far are anything sensational. They're good, and they're competent, and that's fine. Where I think things get skewed is that we're so used to incompetent management that competent management seems like genius.
  5. Injuries didn't affect his brain. Even factoring in practice time out, he looked absolutely lost way more times than he should have last season. That's why he got benched for an undrafted guy. Add in that while I actually disagree with the notion that he looked better pre-injury, even accepting that premise, you can't get the "pre-injury" guy back. He is what he is now.
  6. Theoretically sure. In practice, it didn't work out so well for us. The problem with that rationale was that Rivera all too often trusted the coverage to subpar players. The results definitely didn't back him up, especially against quarterbacks that were quick decision makers (Brees generally ate us alive). So much of the NFL employs a quick passing attack these days that going that route can be a risk.
  7. If Ron Rivera were still the coach I might agree. Rivera definitely valued pass rush over coverage. Under Matt Rhule and Phil Snow though, I'm not so sure.
  8. Five things you can say about Watson... Getting him would be great. Getting him would also be extremely difficult. Other teams are in position to make better offers than we can. Thus, the compensation needed to get him would be painful. And in the end, it is genuinely possible that the Texans never agree to trade him. Oy I have no idea how this turns out. I'd certainly be happy to have him but I don't know how likely that is and the thought of what we have to give up in the process is concerning.
  9. I'd take Aaron Wilson over Mike Florio any day of the week, even if he was saying something I didn't want to hear. Wilson established himself as one of the best reporters in the NFL back when he was the Ravens insider.
  10. Going into an offseason not having to worry about our fate being in the hands of people in whom I have no faith is a very different feeling. Don't know how good Rhule is. Don't know how good Fitterer is. But I know very well how bad Ron and Marty were. Have said many times that I will take an unknown over a known bad ten times out of ten.
  11. We haven't had anybody as good as Jeremy Chinn in our secondary in a long time, and he's just getting started. Giving him up would be super painful.
  12. Aaron Wilson's "quarterback limbo" article lists three or four teams that Watson is interested in. It mentions us, but doesn't really say anything about Watson preferring us.
  13. Asked this in another thread... You've got a team that's trading away a young franchise quarterback while also looking to replace a legend in JJ Watt. Looking at it from their side, do you really believe they're going to say "Sure, Yetur Gross-Matos is fair compensation".
  14. Second tweet cites Matt Miller though I can't find a direct quote on his Twitter. May have been from somewhere else. The possibility of all four of the top quarterbacks being gone by pick eight seems real.
  15. That's kind of a tough sell for me. Said elsewhere: Put yourself in their shoes. You're trading away a young franchise quarterback and also looking to replace JJ Watt. The team you're negotiating with has Brian Burns but offers you Yetur Gross-Matos instead. What's your reaction?
  16. Keeping Marty for another year set us back. It was dumb, and Tepper at least seems to get that.
  17. Trading McCaffrey would basically cost them all the cap space they've just cleared and leave little money for other things (like tagging Moton) on a team that has a lot of needs. So...kinda doubt it.
  18. Watson definitely isn't overrated. That's crazy talk. Our chances of getting him might be, but we'll see.
  19. It may be year two of Rhule, but only year one of Rhule / Fitterer. Yes, there were moves made last year that helped us. Unfortunately, there were also moves that set us back (Bridgewater being a big one). Given that knowledge, I think if you do want to count last year the most that you can call it is 1.5, and that's probably getting a tad silly. So for me, yeah this is year one because we didn't have the full braintrust last year. And while we still don't know everything yet, my gut feeling tells me this is the most brains we've had in a long time.
  20. I don't think Little's body is half as big a problem as his brain. Last year, if somebody wasn't running right at him or directly in his path, he just stood there having no idea what to do. That's not a profile that says "successful guard" to me.
  21. Well, if he saw a shakeup coming back in March, I'd say his insight was pretty good.
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