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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. Panthers.com Turns out he's not that big a fan of "Pot Roast". He'd rather be called "T". The article is a good read.
  2. One of the reasons I think someone is just putting their own interpretation on it. We'd be absolute morons to let something like this be known.
  3. I kinda feel like this is just somebody rehashing stuff we've already heard in their own words.
  4. Which would make Carr expendable. And yeah, getting a quarterback that Gruden doesn't have to develop would definitely help.
  5. Was eye opening reading that they were ready to draft Mahomes. Boy wouldn't that have made things interesting.
  6. Carroll was an unsuccessful NFL coach for a lot of years before he got to Seattle. Honestly, Carroll's base philosophies aren't all that different from Ron Rivera. And while a say in the scheme could be considered reasonable (especially with a really smart quarterback) there's also what's described in the Athletic article. Specifically, where Wilson was struggling as a passer and Carroll wanted to go back to running more but Wilson resisted. Most players have huge egos and are all generally going to bet on themselves. Their advice at times might not always be the most objective.
  7. Pretty much. This is why teams don't ask fans for advice. Too many fans can't divorce their hero worship from their decision making. "GIVE HIM ANYTHING HE WANTS! DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO GET HIM! WHO CARES IF HE'S A HEADACHE?" Again, things that are very easy to say when you're not affected by the consequences. And if it goes wrong, you just blame the person who did exactly what you wanted them to do and call for them to be fired. Nice Heck, we had people here who wanted to bend over backwards to keep Cam Newton and even extend him. How'd that turn out? Coaches and GMs thrive by being able to make objective decisions. When they can't, they wind up like Marty Hurney, who's admitted that allowing his feelings to affect his decisions was part of his downfall.
  8. Telling someone "hey we're bringing in this guy, what do you think?" Is a pretty long way from "so who do you think we should go after?"
  9. I already did if you're paying attention. Plus it's not exactly a difficult story to find. If you go back and look for the article about when Richard Sherman picked him off in practice and yelled "you f---ing suck", and the aftermath that followed. You'll find Sherman wasn't the only one talking. Heck, there have been numerous articles about how Seattle was expected to be a dynasty but they quickly fell apart. I'm not sure how you've missed them.
  10. From what I've read, few if any teams do that in general, and definitely not at the level that Wilson is said to be wanting. And realistically, why should they? Being good player doesn't make you a good talent evaluator. Heck, the vast majority of great players who transition to coaching bend up being lousy.
  11. Valid. I also seriously doubt that Rhule and Fitterer would give him a say in personnel. Honestly, that's hard to imagine of a lot of coaches and/or GMs.
  12. Wrong. I'm using Owens as an example to point out that sometimes teams decide star players aren't worth the headache. Your attitude as a fan might be "who cares, they're millionaires, they can suck it up". On the flipside, their attitude (from the perspective of people used to getting what they want and not necessarily fans of dealing with things that piss them off) might be that Player X is a POS that they don't want to have to deal with every day. These guys are actual human beings, believe it or not.
  13. I don't know what Fitterer thinks. None of us do. Point though is that if it turned out Fitterer thought it wasn't trading for him, that'd raise an eyebrow. We'd all wonder why.
  14. Actually, there's been talk of Wilson being a point of contention in the Seahawks locker room for years. Just like the article mentions, some teammates think he gets coddled too much. It's real easy for fans to sit here and say "Who cares if he's an issue as long as he wins?" For the people whose job it is to have to deal with stuff like this everyday though, it's not that simple.
  15. I don't think they'll trade him, but I'd add that we have a GM who probably knows him better than the vast majority of GM's outside of Seattle. There's no way to know what his feelings are on the topic right now, but if it turns out Fitterer isn't interested, that'd really say something.
  16. I've seen this kind of "who cares if he's crazy as long as he wins" rationale before. It's the same logic that was used to justify getting Terrell Owens. Every team that actually did wound up regretting it, and nobody got any championships with him.
  17. I don't know that they could, but apparently his camp has interest in the Saints as a trade destination.
  18. The people who actually have to work with him care...a lot. Plus, remember that one game where they made a playcall attempting to make a hero out of him? It turned out not so good. Throw in that the Athletic article includes comments from a couple of people who seem to think that he might be on the decline and looking for somebody to blame for his struggles.
  19. Excerpt from the article linked above... During a 17-12 loss to the Colt McCoy-led Giants in early December, a game in which the offense scored only 10 points, Wilson dropped back and set up in a clean pocket. He held the ball longer than four seconds and had plenty of space around him, only to take a sack, a play indicative of Wilson’s struggles down the stretch. “What the f--k is wrong with Russell Wilson?” a veteran coach who watched the game said at the time. “He is seeing ghosts. They act like they are not protecting him, but he kills the protection. There are times they got a clean pocket, he runs up in there, he just panics. He is not playing very good at all.” “People say their protection is not that good,” the coach went on. “That whole ‘Let Russ Cook’ thing, he is better when they can run the ball and they play off that, there is no question. No one likes that because they want him to be Dan Marino. Well, he is not Dan Marino. You are who you are. But he looks bad right now.”
  20. Couple of things from the article... At a time this past season when Wilson's performance was a little rough and he was throwing a lot of interceptions, Pete Carroll wanted to switch to emphasizing the run more. Wilson wanted the opposite. As we've heard before, there are players in the Seahawks locker room who think Wilson gets coddled too much by the coaching staff. The Seahawks scouted Josh Allen as due diligence, and also were prepared to draft Patrick Mahomes if he fell to the late first round. Both of those things pissed Russell Wilson off. There's also some folks who think Wilson is looking for somebody to blame because he had an eight game stretch that was "the worst of his career" this season. Wilson's people have approached the Seahawks with several trade options, including to the Saints. The Jets, Dolphins and Raiders have also been mentioned. It all sounds very diva-ish. I wouldn't touch that situation with a ten foot pole.
  21. There's an article on The Athletic as to why. Rift between Wilson and Seahawks over power and control Mentions again that Wilson wants a say in personnel, as well as over the schemes. As before, my answer would be "hell, no".
  22. I'm reminded of Darin Gantt talking about having seen John Fox enthusiastically dragging a very reluctant Marty Hurney into a strip club during Super Bowl week. Gantt was with another reporter who said of Fox "Does he think nobody can see him?"
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