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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. Ellis breaks it down... Percentages of current salaries...
  2. Related: the league has finally settled on an official number for the cap.
  3. Official word... This means they'll now be able to put a set value on the franchise tags.
  4. I do kinda get the feeling that they won't be trading for Russell Wilson
  5. Tagging Williams had a lot of analysts saying "What the hell?"
  6. It fits the offense we're using right now though. Mind you, I'm not an advocate for Mac Jones, but I've seen a few people suggest that you need an athletic quarterback to run our current offense, and that's just dead wrong. I think some folks got used to Cam Newton and now think you have to have somebody like that in order to win. Reality is that most of the league doesn't have that, and partially because there aren't very many like him. And please don't give me the whole "the league is changing" argument. People have been saying that since 2001 with Michael Vick and it hasn't happened yet.
  7. The Federal Reserve has advised that a letter shortage is affecting the use of the English language right now. Posts and thread titles are requested to be kept sho
  8. Technically, he took one the year before. It just happened to be a sh-tty one in the second round.
  9. Saw speculation late in the year that he might have played his last game for the Panthers, but it looks like J Jonah Jameson Jansen is back for one more round.
  10. Trubisky is not my favorite choice, or anybody's. But with that said, does he have the potential for a Ryan Tannehill type turnaround? Maybe. If we don't wind up with one of our primary targets, I'm okay with giving Trubisky a chance. (mind you, my expectations would be low)
  11. I've seen word that the Patriots are interested, and they could definitely use him.
  12. Here's the thing about Gettleman's firing, regardless of whether you think he was a good GM or not... If you believe Jerry Richardson sat down, weighed the pros and cons and tried to figure out what was genuinely best for the team, you're dreaming. Richardson made stupid decisions for stupid reasons. This one was no exception. It's pretty clear he wanted Marty back, and he got him. He even kept the "interim" tag in place so that he didn't have to interview anybody else, thus skirting the Rooney rule (until he got called on it and made a sham process to feign compliance). Bottom Line: Jerry Richardson was a mediocre owner at best, and we should all be thankful he's gone.
  13. If 2011 was the only example of Hurney looking bad after Round 1, you might have a point. I just named off several, including from recent years.
  14. Only source I need is the Panthers draft history. 2011 for example. Not a single player outside of Cam Newton was worth sh-t. Trading a future first rounder for Everette Brown and the 33rd overall pick for Armanti Edwards? Putting a first round grade on Greg Little? Not only drafting Jimmy Clausen but trying to trade up for him? Drafting guys like Rashaan Gaulden, Will Grier, Sione Fua, Terrell McClain, Sherrod Martin and Corvey Irvin in the third? I could go on...
  15. No it isn't, unless you're looking at the first round only. At the very least, you ought to be able to hit in the second round. Marty did that what, once? Marty's drafts from 2009 forward were especially bad, and "2.0" wasn't good either.
  16. Where Pat Meyer apparently was...and not alone.
  17. Word was Slater impressed a lot of people today.
  18. From the guy who predicted that Marty would be working here for years to come, then said Tepper wouldn't hire a new GM, and followed that up by predicting the wrong guy. You've proven repeatedly that you have no idea what you're talking about.
  19. I'm not absolutely positive that was Russell but if it was someone else, I don't know who.
  20. Maybe at other positions, but not at quarterback. Quarterbacks who aren't accurate, can't make reads, etc. don't last at the NFL level, no matter how athletic they are.
  21. Drafted by a GM that couldn't build a winning team around him. In a way, that 2011 Draft is almost prophetic.
  22. I think Matt Rhule has figured that out too. If you read what college coach Matt Rhule said he'd want as an NFL coach and compare it to the statements he's made since actually getting the job, it definitely seems he's learned just how difficult the job really is.
  23. I'll grant that's possible, but I think it's very much up in the air.
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