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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. Adults don't tear up over football. Shut up
  2. Retirement event starting here shortly...
  3. Letting go of Mitchell Schwartz too...
  4. Panther fans who frequent this site may not agree on much, but on the day when two team legends come home and say goodbye to the game, I think all of us can agree on two words for both of them... Thank you.
  5. We like to call it "rebuilding".
  6. Good news, though. The GM who made the "mediocre moves" agrees that this is not something he likes to do. Fitterer said that between the unusual circumstances of the virus and the team's current cap status, it was necessary to do some things that would be otherwise out of character for him. So while it might look bad for this season, that's reason to be encouraged about the future.
  7. Well then the GM that wrote it must be an absolute moron, right?
  8. I think my favorite part of all this was when a reporter asked Fitterer to help clear up some of the misinformation that was out there and he declined, stating they could use some of that stuff to their advantage
  9. There are really only two executive level names still entrenched from the Richardson era: Executive Director of Player Personnel Jeff Morrow and Director of Pro Personnel Matt Allen, who also happens to be Jerry Richardson's grandson. Morrow has the same title as Pat Stewart, just with "executive" in front of it. As to Allen, Tepper's previously indicated that pro scouting was a weakness in our organization, primarily citing Marty. I won't be surprised if one or both end up gone, maybe to Washington (they just hired the last guy we fired in Bryan Porter).
  10. Yeah. Didn't mention any specifics but it was pretty obvious that's what he was talking about.
  11. Don't be surprised if there are several changes made after the draft. More than one person has suggested Dan Morgan might come aboard at some point. Having him as an assistant GM would make a lot of sense.
  12. Mentioned in the other thread: Fitterer seemed to indicate that there were additional restructures we haven't heard about yet. He also said though that he's not a big fan of restructuring and he recognizes the kind of problems it can lead to down the road. They're really only doing it now because of this year's unique circumstances.
  13. For anti-restructure folks, good news / bad news. The bad news is it sounds like McCaffrey and Thompson aren't the only restructures we hadn't heard about yet. The good news? Fitterer doesn't like them either and he sees where the pitfalls are. He specifically stated this is not something the team wants to make a habit of but that with the cap going down and the unusual circumstances of this offseason, it was kind of necessary.
  14. Also YouTube (for us non-social-media types).
  15. Just saw this quote from Jerry Jones regarding Dak Prescott... I'm sure that's true. Equally true of many things that ended up being average to mediocre to positively awful
  16. Speaking for our most virulent opponents of restructuring... It's not that people see Marty's restructures as bad so much as they see all restructures as bad because they add to future cap and it can get out of hand if you're not careful. I'm not a big fan of it myself, but I get that it's a necessary evil sometimes.
  17. Re: Vincent Richardson, it's kind of funny hearing questions about the Panthers asked in a British accent (insert "girls asking questions about routes" reference here)
  18. Shaq good but Shaq paid like great. That why this bad. /Cookie Monster
  19. I kinda figured you wouldn't take kindly to this news.
  20. Newton cites Schefter as saying that Thompson's restructure cleared a little over 6.1 million.
  21. Saw where Butler and somebody else restructured. I forget who the other was.
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