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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. He was decent. If I remember right both he and Dave Ball went to the Titans.
  2. Someone else mentioned Tim Shaw. He was a good special teamer.
  3. There have been a few. Evan Mathis is probably the biggest at the moment, but there are others. Other names that come to mind: Stevie Brown, Andre Brown, Jovan Haye, Dave Ball, Jarrett Bush
  4. It's nice to have choices. Thanks, Chris
  5. Roh legitimately made plays too. I think Horton is PS eligible. Only complaint about Roh is when I see his name I think 'Rut'
  6. Definitely have the reading glasses - wearing them now - but my grey hairs are more than 'a few' (my brother and I both went grey right after we hit 30). Still, got a girlfriend who looks like she's in her early to mid 20s but is actually in her late 30s. So looks like a young lady, acts like an older one. Best of both worlds. Guess I can't complain too much
  7. These days, you should probably add an 'i' to that title
  8. Eleven by 6pm, more if they pick up someone from another team's cuts. Still could be more turnover in the days that follow (I'd expect it).
  9. He's a guy who made plays in the preseason and got himself noticed. That's what ya gotta do. He did it. Robert Lester didn't. Heard someone say they thought Russell played 'tentatively'.
  10. It's "Anderson Russell" guys, not Russell Anderson Think Anderson Cooper with a different last name
  11. I fixed it I'll give ya the others, but I think Anderson Russell and Melvin White have legitimate shots at making it, especially Russell. Edit: Guess we got word on White. Good for him.
  12. Recapping to this point... CB Drayton Florence QB Jimmy Clausen DT Sione Fua WR Brenton Bersin (possible PS) WR James Shaw (possible PS) TE Zach Pianalto OL Hayworth Hicks LB Doug Hogue S Robert Lester LB Ben Jacobs (guy who got hit by the ball on a punt in preseason four) RB Tauren Poole Still eleven to go, unless they pick up someone else.
  13. Person would be wise to ignore fans and just concentrate on cuts. Dialog with fans isn't his job. Reporting breaking news is.
  14. Guess it's that kinda morning. Gantt is arguing with someone that Marty Hurney wasn't as bad as we think.
  15. He actually did make a play or two in preseason.
  16. That's a great idea, but that option doesn't seem to exist in this thread (was gonna do it myself but found I couldn't)
  17. To clarify, it's on their Twitter, not their Rumor Mill. And yes, it is there.
  18. If you want him back on the PS, the Cowboys let go of Jared Green.
  19. So far... CB Drayton Florence QB Jimmy Clausen WR Brenton Bersin (possible PS) WR James Shaw (possible PS) TE Zach Pianalto
  20. Florence I thought would be playing the 'veteran mentor' role among the corners. Guess that's Captain now.
  21. Sunshine was always a long shot for the main roster. Could see him on the PS though.
  22. Wanna see some of the worst "bad hair days" ever? Click here... Photo Gallery: NFL Rookie Hazing Through The Years Our own Steve Smith appears in one shot (doing the hazing, not being hazed).
  23. Dammit Biscuit! I could have happily gone my whole life without seeing that (granted, I'd rather look at that than Miley Cyrus)
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