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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. Like a flashing sign that says "never, under any circumstances, even think about asking this girl out"
  2. I used to have a friend like that. Used to... I couldn't call it that. I've never seen performance art that didn't make me want to gouge my eyes out
  3. Brown signed as a rookie free agent. He wasn't a tryout player.
  4. This has 'photoshop me' written all over it
  5. 'Top heavy' doesn't work so well on an offensive lineman. So yeah... better.
  6. Sad but true. Certain amongst our number seem to have a personal goal of getting as many idiots as possible on roster for the Panthers. As soon as there's a headline of some guy doing something incredibly stupid, you can guarantee somebody here will be jumping on the bandwagon for us to sign him.
  7. I used to live next to a house that had a lot of visitors, all of whom apparently came out with a case of the sniffles. The morons who lived there once shot off a gun in their house. I walked out the next day to find a bullet hole in my car door.
  8. Same here. Whole thing sounded awful. Audio on the neighbor call was a lot better.
  9. Don't hair tests go further back? (won't claim to be an expert but I've heard that) If not, I'd say his lawyer should have jumped on that quicker. I don't think it's altered. I just think the recording quality is crap (the entire call sounded like it was in slo-mo).
  10. She had a lot of sayings like that. I've questioned many times whether my sister and I are actually genetically related
  11. I'll say here what I said elsewhere since it applies to the topic... Kris Jenkins was known for a 'big fun guy' personality, until a nasty domestic squabble with the mother of his kid occurred - and got publicized - right around the time of the Super Bowl. Jenkins wasn't the same after that. When the team later traded him, I remember saying that Jenkins was now gone, but "Big Kid" had been gone for a while already. With that in mind, I find myself wondering if we'll see the 'Kraken' persona again. Even if Hardy were to come out of this unscathed (which sounds like a tall order) I wonder if the experience will change Hardy like it changed Jenkins. I don't know that you could call the person that Jenkins became "more mature". Terms such as sullen, morose and perhaps a tad bitter seem like better descriptors. You'd like to hope, if he gets through this, that Hardy comes out of it better than Jenkins did. No way to know what's gonna happen at this point.
  12. His claim that she was on drugs would likely lead his lawyer to suggest that she be drug tested. And I'd call that a wise move, but one that could backfire in a couple of ways. One, if she's tested and comes out clean it casts doubt on his version of events. And two: If, as you might expect, her lawyer turns around and says "Sure' she'll be tested, if you will too" and Hardy either declines or - worst case scenario - fails, well... If Hardy's lawyer doesn't ask for her to be drug tested, then who knows?
  13. There's several social media pics of them going way back. I found it kind of odd that on his call he seemed to refer to her as if she were just some girl in his apartment.
  14. I've known a few. You hear about them reconciling and you think "Good grief, what's next?" My sister used to have a joke about that. She'd say "Can you believe they're back together after all that s--t?" Someone would ask "Who?" And she'd respond "The cheeks of my ass!"
  15. I've always liked his quirky / goofiness. Have said many times he reminds me of John Randle. You don't want to think of someone like that having a dark side. If any of what's being alleged is true, he's pretty much screwed. Even if it isn't, once a label of 'domestic abuser' gets applied, it's extremely difficult to get rid of. Unless he actually does have video or something else that completely exonerates him, people are gonna wonder. Guilty or not - and at this point, who knows - neither his nor his girlfriend's life is ever gonna be the same.
  16. I don't know, dude. Whatever floats your boat A warrant was sworn out for Hardy's arrest. I'd have to agree. If I'd heard only Hardy's call, I might agree with his side, though even on that there are some things that sound a little odd. As an example, at one point in the call Hardy claims to be running around the table away from her but doesn't sound like he's running at all. Just sounds like normal conversation. Having listened to both calls, it's difficult to know what happened. Is there actual video? is this witness credible and willing to testify? Too much up in the air still (which sucks). 'Unpleasant' is an understatement. This is just plain horrible. Got a feeling this is one of those situations where nobody wins. You ever known one of those couples that everybody knows shouldn't be together but they're always running back into each other's arms? Watch them wind up back together
  17. It means nothing. Guilty parties often call 911 to try to make themselves look like the victims. As to the victim, she refused treatment at the scene but was taken to the ER. Your theory that he would have hurt her much worse has no basis in fact.
  18. What I've read so far doesn't sound too good for Hardy. Regardless of how the story played out, her having treatable injuries - especially given the size difference - looks pretty bad.
  19. 'Restrained' is one thing. And you don't generally get 'head to toe injuries' (something which can be verified or discounted) from being 'restrained'. If she was thrown into a bathtub and down into a futon as is being alleged, that's a whole other story. So tell me, do you want the actual truth or do you just want Hardy to come out of this untouched regardless of what happened?
  20. She would have called 911 while being held down? Hardy being the one to make the call doesn't mean a thing.
  21. If he actually did beat her up, would you blame her for suing him? Or would you suggest she deliberately got herself injured looking for a payday? Does that work with rape too? Do girls deliberately get themselves raped to get paid?
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