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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. The fact that someone took the time and effort to acquire that costume, put it on and pose for that picture makes me feel like shaking my head, while also giving him respect (and I say 'him' because you know there's no way a girl did this) Have said before and will say again... I want to know what websites you find the pictures you post here on...so that I can avoid them at all costs
  2. How'd you get a pic of my car?
  3. Why would you need a steering wheel? (yes, I'm overthinking)
  4. To be fair though, Black Widow's outfit is pretty true to the comics/ And she's not the icon Wonder Woman is. Remember the recent attempt at a Wonder Woman TV series without the traditional outfit? It never even got the pilot aired.
  5. Disagree. The original Batman comic books as conceived by Batman creator Bob Kane were actually quite dark in tone. Batman started getting back to his "darkness" after Frank Miller's books hit stores. Nolan did a fantastic job of merging the comics with 'real world' conditions. With which outfit? And honestly, I don't think that's so simple. The list of great actioners with female leads is a relatively short one ("underworld" is probably the best; "Tomb Raider" was awful). Maybe male action movie directors just don't know how to use female leads. Regardless of the reason though, you'd still have the controversy. Me? I'd just say 'screw it' and do the traditional Wonder Woman without apology. Controversy isn't necessarily a bad thing if it sells tickets. Not so sure a big movie studio will go that route though.
  6. You do Wonder Woman as she was originally conceived (hot chick with superpowers in skimpy outfit) and you anger all the feminists. You do Wonder Woman like the feminists would want (star of a Lifetime original movie with superpowers) and nobody in your target audience will pay to see it. So whadda ya do?
  7. I don't think he's practicing (surgery).
  8. You're not watching tennis
  9. You could do a reverse image like that for Detroit.
  10. Not a fan of either... I do know if it ever came down to a battle between the players/athletes/participants, I'd bet on the guy in the car.
  11. She really exists? We are so screwed
  12. That actually happens a lot. Teams tend to want return guys that can do more than one thing because it saves roster space. The ones who are known to be returners only often wind up being one or two year rentals. Debating whether to sign some return specialist that got released seems almost like an annual ritual on this forum.
  13. Got a lady friend I'll forward that to. (no, not my girlfriend)
  14. With a good headwind he might be able to take off.
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