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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. Your tax dollars at work... ... ... ... From here: ReadersDigest.com - Funny Road Signs
  2. The Rock really is a terrible actor. DC characters have certainly translated much better to TV shows (all on the CW) than Marvel so far. Maybe that's the reality these days. Marvel owns the big screen while DC owns the small one.
  3. Never click a YouTube link sent to you over the internet while you're signed in. Sign out first.
  4. Being annoyed by the music and entertainment choices of younger friends and relatives is a sign you're getting old. The music and entertainment choices of my girlfriend's kids annoy me
  5. Japanese entertainment is...you know, I can't even find the words
  6. Found this quote from the actor playing the burglar in the CPI commercial as he was reading the script...
  7. They probably worked for UNC.
  8. I wouldda thrown Maria in there, but that's pretty funny
  9. I'll take 'Things I never wanted to hear from my mom' for a hundred, Alex
  10. "Honey I'm gonna go jihad on the lawn."
  11. Humid too. And the bugs will eat you alive. Heard about that a few months back. I had wanted to take my girlfriend and her kids there for the experience. Sad news :(
  12. I want to negotiate with that guy.
  13. I'm not clicking that spoiler tag.
  14. I can honestly say I never wondered that. Frankly wish I still didn't know
  15. "I must not fear. Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little death."
  16. You're only offended cause you know we're right Legend says the eye retains the last image it sees before death. If it were possible to check that, I wonder how many of those final images would include feminine assets. Never happened to me. (far as you know)
  17. I've predicted that our old buddy Biscuit will die when someone who wants him out of the way sends a hot female assassin carrying a big knife (and wearing an outfit with a low cut neckline) to kill him. While I'm sure he'll fight really hard for his life, at some point he'll catch a glimpse of her assets and get distracted. And then the last thought that ever goes through his mind will be "Whoooa, nice ti-OWWW!!!"
  18. According to the pic info, yeah it is. Ironic, eh?
  19. Snidely Whiplash as a wrestler...
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