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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. If you're okay with someone getting away with hitting or raping a woman or any other violent crime as long as they can win football games, you're not someone I have any interest in knowing. Football is not more important than people's real lives.
  2. Yep. I'd say the question of whether or not he can be trusted to stay out of trouble and mischief once he's got a load of money in his bank account would weigh heavily into this discussion.
  3. Beat me to it For those complaining, I'd say this has a lot more to do with Hardy's lack of judgment and his general attitude during his 'paid vacation' than it does his trial.
  4. It's a really stupid theory being advanced by Patriots defenders, The Ravens noticed it in the game before as well but it didn't become a story till after the Colts game.
  5. Dammit Shark! Okay, I'm takin' a break. The imagery in this thread is just...
  6. From what I remember of him a few years back, I had nicknamed him "Free Shot".
  7. Thanks for the image, Jangler (dammit)
  8. I want more out of this offseason than just 'better than Bell'.
  9. Heck, all that matters these days is being famous. How and why is unimportant. Anything for those 15 minutes. Even if you look like an utter fool, it's okay as long as you're a famous fool.
  10. Big question would be for violent crime or non-violent. (but given that this is a personal issue, I don't necessarily expect you to share that)
  11. Don't look at me. I only clicked in to find out what a 'slore' was
  12. You left out the part about us switching to a 3-4.
  13. Chris Spielman said it best years ago. All they're really asking of players is just don't get arrested. Is that really such a difficult request?
  14. And the team will investigate those things thoroughly, with more info and access than any of us have, and make their decision accordingly. If they choose to draft him, or pass on him, it'll be based on that analysis. My guess: They'll pass, and people will b--ch about it.
  15. Going off both Zod and Voth, that seems to be the feeling. Why? I'd speculate that it's based on two things 1) history of poor judgment and 2) how he behaved after he was put on the exempt list. I don't have inside info, so this is all speculation.
  16. Because you don't make the team better when you're suspended. If the team feels the risk of his being suspended again is too great (which, by all indications, they do) then they won't want him back.
  17. Okay, I'm gonna sound like an old man when I say this (which technically I am) but what's a 'slore'? (I'm guessing its some variation on '*****')
  18. I don't know if he's a villain. Frankly I don't care. What I'm talking about is the risk the team takes in picking a guy with known character issues. It's about being smart with your investment.
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